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orka is not crazy she is your friend


About Me

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My Interests

music, art, travelling, photography, piano, internet, people, party, animals, nature, thinking, not thinking, laughing, sharing, writing, working, singing, dancing, smoking, learning, reading, watching, swimming, walking, dreaming, realising and much more..

I'd like to meet:





amelie from montmartre, clockwork orange, dancer in the dark, frida, hable con ella, kour, les triplettes de belleville, limonadovy joe, lost in translation, lucia y el sexo, the pianist, pulp fiction, samotari, seven years in tibet, mrazik, scent of a woman, microcosmos, man on the moon, crna macka beli macor, trainspotting, baraka, l'homme qui plantait des arbres, cheech and chong's up in smoke, monty python, amadeus, dead poets society


travel-film, national geographic, animal planet, vecernicek, fashion, cooking, different documentary, some good movies, stupid comedies, i think i could watch anything, but the true is i don't even have TV ;)


from p.coelho, o.wilde, g.orwell, h.murakami (norwegian wood), m.kundera, r.fulghum, j.kerouac, j.hasek, j.formanek (prsaty muz a zlodej pribehu), e.hemingway, ch.bukowski, , v.paral, j.p.sartre, j.london, f.m.dostojevskij, a.schopenhauer, psychology books, world atlas and different encyclopedias but another true is i don't really read ;)


we are all heroes!

My Blog

Nedele nedelam

Desata hodina odbila, orka jeste svitilaJe nedele vecer, unor, den jak nakresleny a prosluneny. Vune psich (doufam ze pouze psich) hoven se diky teplu misi ve vlahem jarnim vanku a ja se zas flakam, t...
Posted by orka is not crazy she is your friend on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 01:11:00 PST

Blaboly pred spanim pred peti lety

Opilecky blabolZrovna nedavno se me ptal jeden clovek neclovek na to, jaky mam HOBBY. Musim rict, ze me to zaskocilo. to se  stava. Predevsim clovek slysi jenom blaboly. Treba jako ted. Jenze o...
Posted by orka is not crazy she is your friend on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:05:00 PST

Vysvetleni predchozich blogu

Vysvetleni nevysvetlenehoNudim se, jasna vec, vcera prace, paradni konzic, kamosi z liberce, par piv s prituknutim na nesplnitelny prani, troska ostudy, hotel, kde mel bejt mejdan, ale nebyl, okamzity...
Posted by orka is not crazy she is your friend on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 12:20:00 PST

Platek patek

PLATEK PATEKVsichni jsou blazni, jenom ja jsem letadlo.A to se bojim litani..I kdyz ted uz vlastne mozna tolik ne, protoze pri svym poslednim letu nad oceanem jsem se uz rozloucila s zivotem. Bylo to ...
Posted by orka is not crazy she is your friend on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:29:00 PST

Kdo se ma nejlip?

Ten, kdo o tom nepremejsli...
Posted by orka is not crazy she is your friend on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 02:19:00 PST

Ma stara zadost o clenstvi na NYXu ;D

Zadost o clenstvi v NYX 2006 potreti Dobry den vespolek! Jiz potreti zadam o vstup do Vaseho fora, tak doufam, ze bude platit prislovi "do tretice stesti vice". Kamaradi, co jsou jiz cleny, mi r...
Posted by orka is not crazy she is your friend on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:48:00 PST