xx IvaN xx profile picture

xx IvaN xx

--= St@rLesS =--

About Me

It's amazing how fate can bring people together, and break them apart as well. What isnt meant to be yours, will never be yours. It took me years to realise this. A scar is left, and I can only look forward now.Cherish what you have left, for life isnt long. I hope it's not too late for me to change, to a better man. I shall still cling onto that dream I had years back, but promise myself that if that dream isnt worth keeping onto, it's time to let it go.

My Interests

Playing Pool,Watching e Latest Movies,Sleeping in e Afternoon,Ice Cream

I'd like to meet:

SiNcEre ppLe... wHo trEaT frIeNdsHiP moRe imPt tHaN aNythiNg esLe. AnD GoD, coZ i waNNa aSk hiM soMethiNg...


The Last Vampire, i'vE alwAys fAnTasiZe aBouT beInG oNe.

My Blog


i'm going Bonkers! it isnt so easy staying single for so long afterall. hmm... my ideal relationship for now is being with a simple girl with pleasant looks, meeting up like once or twice a week. ...
Posted by xx IvaN xx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Coming 14Feb

What does it feel like to spend this day with your loved ones? I've never done so before, neither am I expecting I will be with someone on this day. Everyone is so excited about this occasion. Well, n...
Posted by xx IvaN xx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

1st Week of Sch

Nothing much that I can comment on in school, since I've only attended Monday and Tuesday lecture... but it was nice to see everyone in school. Sighx, couldnt find a reason to stay any much longer tha...
Posted by xx IvaN xx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Imagination running wild......

It was raining heavily. From a sunny late morning to a afternoon of thunderstorm, no one was prepared for the rain. I ran across the road, braving through the ruthless downpour and went towards a shel...
Posted by xx IvaN xx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST