the xl publisher profile picture

the xl publisher

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm handsome, witty and charming. i'm also a chain-smoking, foul-mouthed drunkard. i don't know what you expect to read here. i'm a writer, and i used to publish a cool local magazine in north san diego county in the '90's called "The XL Flyer".in doing so, i had allied myself to alot of cool people; musicians, writers, illustrators, photographers, and still many more artists and contributors of all descriptions. i felt it neccessary to document everything as i saw it. everyone was a part of my life and so, with the people depicted on my pages, we would all come just one notch closer to immortality. i, and history, will never forget them, as i had dutifully chronicled their exploits for as long as i could manage.i miss it terribly and i feel lost without it, but now that it has run it's course, i'm contributing to a major publication that can handle and accept my "thompson-esque" style. i will constantly be sending out resumes and manuscripts to various publications. i've amassed quite an archive over the years. you should come and see it.the pursuit of passion, or is it the passion of pursuit(?), is a viscious cycle. but do you really want me drone on and on about how great i am? sure you do. i'm a writer, so i'm going to come back to this and re-edit it a hundered times as i've done so today. i still diddle on an old acoustic guitar and i absolutely shred on the harmonica. i can always be counted on to sing silly songs about boobs and bj's. i'm certainly no stranger to an audience. so bring it.i like the history channel, coast to coast/art bell on am kfi weekend evenings, horse racing and yes, now gardening 'cuz i finally have a patch of dirt i can call my own. my beefsteak and cherry tomato seedlings just came in woooo hooo. if you want to know more about my love life, my personal life or my professional life, then you're just gonna have to get under my skin.oh yeah, my son, nolan. he's a very bright 5 y.o. now. i share custody and i get'im every chance i get. he's a pretty good judge of character these days. hell, his litmus test is tougher than mine. :) you'll know you rate when you get a toot on the hottie life: it's bigger than you think.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i'd really like to meet larry flynt and ask him why the f*uck he hasn't hired me. i sent that bastid eight fricken resumes. hmm, i think i'll send another one. i'm not really looking for a relationship right now. most of my relationships have ended in heart-breaking disaster. no, i take that back, ALL of them have ended that way. sure it would be nice to meet someone who could tolerate me, but evidently, it's a tall order. what i really need is inspiration. if you can fire me up, we can move mountains. i dare ya'. i'd also like to own one of those flying monkeys from the wizard of oz.

My Blog

take me off your friends list

I will always love my country. I will always respect the decisions of its citizens. The people of the United States have chosen a new president and I will stand by this man while he is in office.I do,...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 15:19:00 GMT

Tom Brings It On Home. this guy rocks. i got a pair for my birthday. woo hoo! boing. now i can entertain myself for hours.
Posted by on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 16:08:00 GMT


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Posted by on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 00:07:00 GMT

where's my Venus?

I've had a great shot of venus outside my window for months. big and bright. then she just disappeared. i swear its the story of my life. ah, hell, i'm gonna quote hoss cartwright of bonanza  - "...
Posted by on Mon, 21 May 2007 21:05:00 GMT

early sunset years

a blog. here i am claiming to be some great sort of writer and i haven't blogged in years. please forgive the lack of upper case. it's a pinky thing. here goes: i'd like to start with...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 22:53:00 GMT

i micro-waved a pumpkin and fucked it

Bless me friends for I have sinned. It has been almost a year since my last blog entry.   There were times. I remember. There was nothing but clear blue sky over the horizon of our future. W...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 00:06:00 GMT


i'm up late tonight. just rocking out with my winamp. i've been catagorizing all the music i've collected over the years. it's fun, and sometimes painful, to walk down memory lane. i think of all the ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 23:59:00 GMT


i need some zazz in my life. i work everyday, keep on top of my bills and basically spin my wheels until rent time comes up again; then it's all gone. i start over. i keep plodding along. the only thi...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 07:30:00 GMT

love me, hate me, or delete me.

Ive had so much crap running through my head lately. People have been hounding me to put out another short story but, Id rather start that novel that Ive been kicking around.   Besides that, s...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 23:25:00 GMT

lonely inspiration

Like all other men around whom an engrossing purpose wreathes itself, he was insulated from the mass of human kind. He had no aim- no pleasure- no sympathies- but were ultimately connected with his a...
Posted by on Thu, 12 May 2005 22:08:00 GMT