Myspace Layouts at / The godfather
Sal the Stockbroker falls off the stage. I love the Baba Booey Dance.This is the funniest. I got it from You have to watch it!.. David Blaine Street Magic 2 on ..
Myspace Layouts at / The godfather
Sal the Stockbroker falls off the stage. I love the Baba Booey Dance.This is the funniest. I got it from You have to watch it!.. David Blaine Street Magic 2 on ..Look!! It's Artie!!! I was there! I LOVE ARTIE!Aids on Sesame Street
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I would like to meet Detective Goren of Major Case.
I would also like to meet Detective Stabler from Special Victims. I am oddly incredibly turned on by them.
I also want to meet the entire crew of the Howard Stern show, particularly Artie Lange.
How to make a Nichol
3 parts success
5 parts courage
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion
Personality cocktail
You are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it
What Famous Pinup Are You?
Gimme more. Haha. I love all music, I don't discriminate. If I like it, I listen to it. I don't care what you think.
I like a lot of movies, but if I had to pick -- but if it's Say Anything, High Fidelity, Boondock Saints, and any Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino/Oliver Stone, my ass is in the seat. HAVE YOU SEEN DEATH PROOF??? What a great fucking movie.
You Are Barney
You could have been an intellectual leader...
Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer
You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps
Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem."
The Simpsons Personality Test
Book nerd, table for one. I will admit it and I could write miles here about the books I read and the authors I admire, but no one ever talks about books anymore...unless it's a cheesy Nicholas Sparks book that is being made into another movie. Not interested. I love Stephen King, Chuck P, the beat poets, and last but not least David Sedaris or Chuck Klosterman, the only two men who make me laugh out loud with their pants on...
Your Life is Like
Say Anything...
What John Cusack Movie Are You?
I love anyone with a creative bone in their body. People who can make me laugh, and people who truly want to make a difference. I admire courage, honesty, and intelligence.