MASHANEGUN profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

guys layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments I am a carpenter just like Jesus was. How ironic is that? I am not a big fan of authority. I have a hard time conforming. I am passionate about my country and my freedom. I stay good to my word because that is all we really have that nobody can take. I like to learn the hard way for some reason. Maybe I just don't beleive anyone. I am more focused now then I have ever been. I am walking a straight line and it feels good. I have lost many so called friends and it doesn't bother me anymore. I am quiet untill you get to know me. I am always laughing when nobody else is. I have a unique way of being a smart ass. I am claustrophobic which is probably to much information. I try to learn a little every day to improve myself and be a better person.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people my age who have their shit together. You know people that don't sit in the bar everyday and get drunk. People who aren't hustlin drugs to support their own habits. People that won't steal my tools when I leave the job for a half an hour to get lunch. People who actually care about me and aren't trying to use me to support their addictions. People that have a real life! People that give a shit about themselves and what is going on around them. That's who I'd like to meet so if you aren't a complete cock wallet and waste of my time then you can hit me up. If you are then piss off and don't come near me because I'm getting a little aggravated with you fools!!!

My Blog

Friend Request

If you are a band or not a spammer and you want to be my friend then just leave a message for me and I will hit you back. Sorry, the spamming is getting a little out of control folks. 
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 12:35:00 GMT