I am formost a servant to Christ: I am a preacher, teacher, worship minister, and a mentor to the lost; only through God's saving grace. I am the "walk-across-the-room" type; encouraging others towards Christ (Heb 3:13). I live by the philosophy, "I am not perfect, but forgiven" (Eph 2, Rom 5:8, 1 John 1:8-10). My name is Michael, A.K.A "Googly." Yep, I'm one of those FCC'ers. If I could describe myself in one word it would be, "Coffee" because I'm bold and rarely de-caffeinated! My favorite coffee quote is by Sir James Mackintosh, "The powers of a man's mind are directly proportioned to the quantity of coffee he drinks." If that is so, I must have an IQ of a million!...J/K. I am a witty person. I enjoy good humor as well as invoking laughs from others; it's all about the "good-times." I have many hobbies: shoot'n hoops, racquetball, workingout. I like a good comedy movie. The Office! Guitar has become my bestfriend. I play a mad beat on the congas and drums. I'm definitly the conorseuer and guru of coffee; I will probably end up opening my own franchise. Most of all, I love the church and being a servant in it!
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .