Presenting the Plain Janes!After much deliberation... seriously, we've thought about for a long time... we have decided to go with a different band name. We have our reasons, I assure you:
1. "Vissia Sisters." Say that five times fast. Maybe you have or have not realized it before, but "Vissia Sisters" has five S's in it. It's a bit of a tongue twister.
2. For some reason or another, a lot of people have trouble pronouncing "Vissia."
3. For some reason or another, a lot of people have trouble spelling "Vissia."
If you cannot spell, let alone pronounce, a name, how can we expect you to remember it? On top of all that, the change just feels right. It's the right time. We have come so far since the days of matching skirts and cowboy hats.
There are also reasons for choosing the name, "The Plain Janes." First off, the three of us are from Stony Plain. Also, plain is another word for prairie. We are, after all, from the country. The name resonates with us on a personal level, which we knew would be an important deciding factor when choosing a new name. As for the Janes part, it just seemed to fit!