^ The little man has lost his lunch and is thoroughly checking the inside of his^ lunch sack for it.
...heh,heh, my hometown...
any one who's for real
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this is me and my sister, shannon, my cupcake...
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i lovalovy
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i like alot of music, dont judge me.
Create a playlist with this video on imeem
ooo, thats tuff, i like lord of the rings alot, edward scissor hands, harry potter movies, emporer's new groove: sooo funny, breakfast at tiffany's... theres more...
i dont have time for TV...i have Golden GIrls on DVD, though..
Im reading harry potter right now...but im not much of a reader, sadly,cuz i know not reading makes you stupid..... ... reading the bible is something everyone should do.
My heroe is Jesus, He's the only male incapable of hurting you, im convinced.
Also my family....they're all great people.
This is my brother shawn. he's been to iraq and back twice, whatta trooper.
This is my family