andrea bobby profile picture

andrea bobby

I liked her fine...

About Me

i'm a girl!

My Interests

justin bobby, food, candy, my girls, family, nita, snowboarding, my bed, hot boys, the beach, crocs, tulips, firenze, my iPod, travelling, music up & windows down, graphic design, painting, drawing, trying to be a photographer, coffee, going out to breakfast, my new found love for tea (hot only), clothing, accessories, gossip mags, music of all kinds, making my girls laugh, drinking anything with crushed ice & preferably out of a plastic cup, spray paint, frenchies, margaritas, singing in my car, succulents, stripes, red wine, getting into bed and knowing that i don't have to get up in the morning, hating school...


iPod that DIED and came back to life. mix tapes.


Grey's Anatomy, old 90210 reruns, Sex and the City, Oprah, ANTM, Real World and many others...


not school books!