SPI is a paranormal investigations group located in Arizona. Our primary focus is haunting based paranormal activity - that is, we are ghost hunters!
We are a science based organization leaning toward skeptical, however we are, most of us, believers after a fashion. As a group, we believe that there is something to investigate. Basically that is as far as the group is willing to or able to believe. Some members of our organization have personal experiences with ghosts or spirits which heightens the belief that something is out there, some members of our group have no personal experiences to speak of which they cannot rationalize into a normal occurrance. But whether or not one believes there are ghosts, there are enough people who report such things as to justify the need for investigation and experimentation into the paranormal. As Mulder says "The Truth is Out There" We simply seek to find it.
Our team has no official psychics. When we investigate, we utilize the standard tools of the trade: Cameras, EMF Meters, Temperature Measuring devices, audio recorders. We record through avid note taking experiences which cannot be captured on film or audio to accompany any evidence which has been captured on audio or film
We all have day jobs, ghost hunting certainly doesn't pay the bills. But we do what a lot of people wish they could. We swallow a certain amount of fear and wander into the unknown in search of.... whatever we find.
Anne of Esoteric Online Radio Talks to Paul Bradford of Sonoran Paranormal Investigations about their work in the scientific study of the paranormal.