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Member Since: 29/12/2006
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Band Members: Email: [email protected]

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"...I was immediately moved,
even though a long time
has passed since my capacity to get hooked on pop
started fading away.

But this pop, that has gotten so much of a
necessity, sucked me in. In its
bizarre way, it's very existential.

When I say I love it, I know I love it in the way I
loved Henry Miller, the
Pogues, or Che Guevara. In the way I loved American
Indians or Noam Chomsky.

Musically, it is a very sharp pop-rock;
ideologically, I'd call it
"adbuster -pop." Certainly, it's pop from a
"post-advertising" generation. (You know - the one
undergoing neuromarketing and all that?
The one dressed in huge logos while hoping for more
truth and more future?
The one that spits mountings of trash a second? A
huge generation anyway....)

Consisting of brainiacs, musicians, and underground
media sharks, Supertrash
investigates all kinds of false truths, hypocrisies,
and the useless habits
that we put in practice.

Disguised in liberating ambiguity, it's spewing out
its answers through
powerful and very articulated music. Music that is
aware of its history -
but doesn't give a damn about it. Music that could
eventually become
history, given the fertile creativity and brains
behind it. The most serious
pop which promises that this century is still able
to come up with more
innovations than just ipods and preemptive wars.

What makes Supertrash loveable in a conventional
pop-way, much more loveable
than I have managed to suggest up to now, are two
rather simple rules that
Supertrash operates by: 1. humor is a good way to
tell the truth 2. humorous
sarcasm is an even better way.

Add the fact that they are also the champions of
freakishness (intelligent
and convincing freakishness that makes you think of
talking heads and
sparks), you too could rebuild your pop feeling in a
big way. So, if you see
that Supertrash has a gig, buy a ticket, put on your
biggest logo, and take
some friends. Make sure it's there - just in case
they make you want to tear
it up."

Ado (dj, vj, art critic)


Record Label: ZOO ELECTRIC
Type of Label: Indie

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