Animated Characters. (btw, animated characters can add my msn- [email protected])
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so... I went to Brasil, then listened to some Cuban music and of course jazz (but usually I always do some swing songs) and these influences are melting... =/ so neeways, the piano player and my band friend Luka made some harmonies and I made the melodies and the form. I just came home and recorded this song. I know it's simple and the sound quality is bad, but i like it nonetheless. I played all the instruments, which include a beer can, turtle food, garbage can1, garbage can2, bass, guitar1, guitar2, sax1, sax2 =D (but the beer can is definately the most imposrtant one)
Evo, ako netko vec cita, na podrucju zg-a (zajedno sa svojim bendom- koji je u pravilu neki mracni jazz bend- utjecaj Schoenbergam Rachmaninova, Gypsy jazza, Laurent Garniera, Duke Ellingtona, Mingusa... -koji se sad sastoji od gitarista, kontrabasista, pijanista, klarinetista i saksofonista) jo.. jednog gitarista (recimo gypsy jazz stil sviranja), bubnjara, violinista, celista, trombonista, klarinetista, te saxofonista =D pa ako je netko zainteresiran.- mail je [email protected] (ujesen pocinjemo s radom, jer ovaj bendic sada ide na neku turneju, pa...)