Who am I? Great question.
Guess you've got to know me but if you don't, here's a couple of likes and dislikes that I have recently noticed about myself.Likes:
Adrenalin, surfing, poppy seeds (danish), surfing, snow boarding, sunflowers, fresh air, the great outdoors, water, Q-tips in my ear(eargasm), views, people watching, television, movies, pictures and paintings, cajon food(boudin for sure), Yiddish, sunsets, sweet smelling perfumes, I love watermelon juice and appreciation of chivalry is really great.Dislikes:
Deceit, hanging up without saying good-bye(quick hang-ups really suck) and sighing out of annoyance stinks.My motto that I live by, "Pay it Forward!"That should sum me up in a few words.