What We Do
Burning Star Promotion supports bands by delivering their work to media contacts around the world. We collaborate with every single kind of media representative: magazines, webzines, radio stations, TV stations, D.J.’s. From there on we keep a track on reviews, play lists from radio shows and TV shows. We also stay in touch with every media contact for possible interviews (via phone or email).
Additional Publicity
Burning Star Promotion offers additional publicity to our working partners. We are crafting a page only for you in our site that features biography, photos and all relevant news about the band. Promotional pictures and logo in high resolution alongside biography sheet is available to anyone interested (in zip files on our homepage). In addition news relevant to the bands are send to more than 5.000 recipients (a list that grows daily) on monthly basis though our newsletter. Finally we promote your work throughMYSPACE and YOUTUBE (if you have available videos)
We are flexible regarding the territory you like us to work at. There are three options for this: a) worldwide, b) U.S.A & Canada and c)Europe. We are flexible regarding the level of promotional material you are able to offer us. We can work only with promo CD’s but we can also spread promotional DVD’s, CD Singles, fliers, posters and generally anything you like to be send to our media partners.
Additional Services
Burning Star Promotion can deliver your work to other key elements of the music industry as well. We can deliver your work to record labels in case you are looking for a record deal. Burning Star Promotion can help the band regarding negotiations with labels.
We also have contacts with all major festivals around the world if you are looking to book a spot for your act.
In case the artist or the label of the artist cannot deliver promotional material we can print for you the amount of requested promo CD’s. Alongside we can print sleeve cases for promotional CD’s. We can also print for you flyers, posters, cards. All material printed by us is professionally crafted.
Finally we can hook you up with web designers, graphic designers, studios and generally every important aspect of the music industry.
All in all we will always be on your side for suggestions, advises or any other help we can offer and always as fast as possible without however doing our work in a sloppy or unprofessional way.
Kinetic "Venturing High & Low"
Urban Tales "Farewell"
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4