= = IncitinG RiotS = WritinG = LivE MusiC = ReadinG rEaDiNg ReadinG = FresH AiR = TroublE = LearninG lEaRnInG LearninG = DisasterS = = FuturE's PromisE = =
.....:::::Ummm...NOT MANY people that I'd like to meet (in the world's defense there may be many that feel the same way about me):::::..... OH, and a lot a Dead Rockstars..:::::::::::::BUT if you aren't one then I'll settle::::::::::::: ..for anyone with zero regrets about who they've been; comfort in who they've become; and those who delight in the mystery of who they'll meet tomorrow.
patsy cline*smut peddlers stiff little fingers=hank sr.(& jr. & III)-throwrag%pogues@the crowd*cadillac tramps the clash=billie holiday-iggy pop%husker du@the replacements* the rolling stones eliot smith===?Is ThErE tRuLy EnOuGh RoOm HeRe ?===no,and the list grows every day
Not a big movie person
Must I? Well then, Daily Show and PBS PBS PBS. Pretty strung out on the History Channel, et al as well
Any printed matter- the back of the cereal box, Vonnegut, M Connelly, Hiassen, Sedaris, Bunker, Pelecanos, M E Martin, DeMille, Iles...politicking, drug abuse, a shampoo bottle; non fiction with a focus on (amongst other things) idiotic, usually fatal, u.s.military actions (i.e. Somalia, USS Indianapolis, Vietnam); J. Dillinger; current suffering and progress globally.
Dad and, uh, his father