whatt i..m doing here?
first of all, say thanks to my mum, the faculty and all my fans...thank you!!! it was a pleasure to be part of this leading film called" life"...i want, no i need to meet all my lost friends and partners and people i ever met in my life...do they remember me?do you???i want to connect other funny crazy happy and very creative guys all over the world for haveing fun, playing with dolls and talking a lot of silly stupid things, anyone is interessted in... thats me!..
Ida Corr vs Fedde Le Grand vs Black Eyed mash up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI0pm1HUhXs
thats my new kind of feeling...!
Beyonce-Get Me Bodied http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EH5I6wSucE
Beyonce,Kelly Rowland,Solange,Michelle Williams Get Me Bodied