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Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
Age 17
Birthplace Ridgeville
Current Location same
Hair Color blond
Eye Color blue
Height 5..'1.."
Heritage Irish, Russian, Polish, German, Dutch{I think}
Your fears losing homies or getting used
Your weakness not sure
Goal for today do my humanities homework that was due yesterday
Goal for this year get as close to straight A..'s as possible
Lifetime goal become a writer {hopefully have some money}
When do you want to get married? after college
and to whom? no clue
Ever been in love? nope
Currently in love? nope
Do you think you are attractive? nope
Your best physical feature my hair when it..'s happy
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... Julie, Erica & Traci mighta gotten me to try it.. don..'t think so, though
gone skinny dipping... nope
been beaten up... definitely not
wanted to kill someone... only one person ever.. she avoids me now
gone a week without MySpace... yep, went on vaca for 3 weeks
gone a week without TV... yep, same time
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... no one
say hi to you... in person-420 {no one else says just hi}
talk to you... in person-Mom,
What's the last...
Time you cried? never really
Book you've read? The Shake {the last WHOLE book I read}
Store you've been in? umm.... Oh! Giant Eagle yesterday
Can you...
Dance? not really
Speak a different language? un poco
Cook? Ha! ADD, anyone?? a little, though
Write w/ both hands? nope
Whistle? kinda
Finish the line...
If I had a... clone
I would make them do my essay
So I can not do it
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Survey By OnlyMySpace.comFor all the random Ridgevillians I added as friends, this is Bridget... Umm... I love psychopathic music, my homies, & all the juggalos/juggalettes in this lil world of ours!!I'm owned by & because they love me enough to adopt me!
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