COOKING nutritional cuisine that tastes really fucking goodHOOKING up with souls on mystical levelsACVIVATING intrigue and visionSTANDING the fuck up against the imperialistic false powersROCKING the fuck out to the peppers or whatever bangs my head off my shouldersORGANIZING forces to be reckoned withCHILLIN with Sammy girlJAMMIN with the underground unheard flavor too ahead of its time for FOX and MSNBCause we lied M-akeshift TV and Bloated Entities of TasersANALIZING the game and befriending my own existence in that every day process WRITING FREELY deeming the neccesary inquizitive thought pattern the shatter relvent norm clatter and clutter they mutter with putters like butter it spreads and melts liquifies cards dealt exist in remeberance of action and learnign to be deserving the plee unconcerning pity witty intelect i inspect and digest without rest in dreams i test the next festering and sweltering of molecules fuck following rules tools in forms to shape the norms Im drawn away from that hate display through and repetitive tatics get smacked quick in absent minded blinded viewers id rather marinate on skewers embracing good doers and mover shakers breakers sitting by the lakers feeding the ducks beleiving the muck is feeding the fuck id rather shuck up a clam or oyster then bam its moister than spam weigh it out to a gram in your point sytem then watch jenny craig try to exist in your lifestyle bliss she just gaining from your extent to persist. wish ed for hopeful immediate results when that doesnt happen consistency bolts out of the realm seldom the helm is created through love... lets change this in an arranged kissFAMILY sammy KAy and Gasley PATIENCE IS VIRTUOUSLY A VIRTUE
ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO INVITE A CHEF TO CATER THEIR DINNER PARTY// THOSE UNINFLUENCED BY MONEY AND MATERIALS// APPRECIATIVE TO THE FINER THINGS WRITTEN IN THE STARS// PEPPERS JUNKIES// FRIENDS IN NEED FRIENDS IN DEED// Spiritual spunk possesor or Miracle Myth professor, Hip Hop Heads... underground please, thank you/ anyone who thinks Im cool, Kpfk heads, activists, Chefs and Foodys you know who you are, freestylers, glee pilers of sorts, Vegans fuckin Rule the world! I enjoy people and welcome you to express who you are to me, Tell the truth, Love always
I Still WOuld Have Sex with every memeber of the PEppers at any given time for the rest of my timesSHifters
Hart ATTAck
Eyedia + Abbilities
Aesop Rock
J 5
Nu jazz Sessions
Chill PILL
Concrete Groove
MAdeski MArtin and WOOD
The NEW Deal
Sage Francis
Space Ways RadiO
DiVine Forces
Asianic Rhythems
CLAssic DOOrs, ZEP, Floyd, Credence, etc
Freedom PEople
Immortl Tech
VerbAL Tech
ANdre ASmar
Slam BUSh
Combustication REMIx
SOng s FOR peace
DeeP Puddle Dynamics
JAzz core
All Shall Perish
Pantera ANIk ^
Motorcycle diaries, The world according to Bush, Pro people news, Spotless mind one, Dumband dumber, the SHapeshirfters dVD, 4 Rooms, Requiem, DeerHunter, Do the right thing, Higher LEarning, Farenheit, Collateral was cool, Ray was tight, diggin the star wars, Supersize me, Lord of the rings, I love documentaries, 911 in plane site, the aristocrats, and more..............
fUCK tHE fAKE nEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iT SPEWS OUT oNE SIDED VIEWS tO deFFLECT YOUR aTTENTION INTENT IS sUsPENSION oF rEVOLUTIONARY iNVENTIoN sCArED of rEAL fREEDOM oUR nuMBERS sTILL do eXCEED thEM rEAD aND bELEIVE tHat cORPORATE IS susCEPTABLE TO THE TABLES hAVE tURNED lONG eNOUGH i HAVE YEaRNED cHURNED tHE sATURATED INVaDED sTATED dEFLATED fLASH CLASH WITH TASK anD drink from the EVERY tHING nOTHING is fLASK mASKING THE tRUTH WHILE pASSING THE yOUTH THESE lIES THEY pOLLUTE i DESPISE AND iLL sHOOT WHEN gIVEN THE sHOT fOR vIOLENCE IS nOT In a sPOT TO eNVISION thROUGH cLOT thIS dESCISIon nEVER tAKE IT AWAY AdJACENT IS tHEY bUT fAR THEY AWAY iVE bEEN wAITING TO SAY mAKE ROOM FOR A dAY WHEN tHE nEEDLE IS fOUND IN THE haYi still do love MOST OF THE fOOD neTWORK eg Iron Chef, Naked Chef was cool, Not the fuckin American Iron chef, the real one with the cheasy dubbed voices and shit, emeril's a douche, I like the nutrition programs, Mario Batali awsome, he will prolly die from a heart attack though, amazing chef nevertheless.... I like tyler florence Not really diggin how to boil water its cool though... havent watch tv in like 3 weeks feel pretty fuckin good I have to say
Currently I am reading a book about the history of the Cuban Revolution, this is some inspiring shit, I am happy to own this book On food and cooking, the science and lore of the kitchen/ Patience Is A Virtue That All of us would like to hold somewhat more dearly, But i did like the Alchemist that was a 'cant put down' adventure Book Thanks Anne Mwahhh! After I read 100 Books, Its On !
My Mom , My little sister Emily Rose, My fellow Activists and Inspirational figures that i Gaze off to while my soul drifts into soft whistle of connected energy through peaceful heartsI get inspired daily, My tennis coach ALI, this man is something special, look out worldMy Bud KAylon, Doing his thing the right way, impressive he is since startin to handle his biz Loving His girl, My Ashley the pearl The center of love's unfearlMelody ish the inticing dish And Renay There display in the presence of youth in today WOW what a way to implement Lovin away ANIK AVERY MARTIN FOREVER Miss you, spirit has never left Thank you heroes