kORea... jaPaN... aNiMe... mAnGa... bRasiL... foOtbaLL/soCceR.. ameRiCan foOtbaLL... moVieS... muSiCs... chAT... pRoGraMmiNg... hEaVy meTaL... R&B... teLeViSioN... rADio... coMPuteR... inTeRneT... PlayStatiOn 2... ManCheSteR UniTed... OakLaNd RaiDerS... MigHtY DuCkS of aNaheiM... ChicAGo BuLLs... OakLaNd A's... WinNinG EleVen 8... FiFa 2005... MaDdeN 2005... PrO EvOLutiOn SoCCer 4... SiLeNt HiLL... ONimuShA... GRaNd ThefT AuTo... MeTaL GeAR SOLid... faTaL FrAmE... TenChU... SiReN... ReSiDeNt EviL... maFiA... GRan ToUriSmO... NeeD FoR SPeEd... StReeT FiGhteR... thE KiNg Of FigHteRS... DeAd oR ALiVe... TekKeN... ViRtuAL FiGhTeR... SoUL CaLiBuR... shiNObi... kuNoiChi... spLiNteR ceLL...
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K-pOp... J-PoP... baBy V.O.X... LOveHoLiC... LeE HyoRi... finKL... MC The MaX... SG WanNabE... aRiRanG... TiM... LeE SOo YOunG... ChakRa... U;nee... paRk YoNg hA... euGeNe... S.E.S... H... 2sHai... jtL... suGaR... juNg ChuL... DayLiGht... BoA... juNg iN... roLLer cOsTeR... jaNg nA Ra... cHoi soO YoUn... sEO teiJi... juNg iN... v-OnE... kiM dOnG RyoOL... uhM junG hWa... kaNg SanG hOon... sEo roCk... sHin SeUnG hoOn... koYoTae... TuRtleS... ePik hiGh... 1tYm... shiNhWa... heY... LeE seUnG hWaN... J... suH YouNg eUn... cLazZiQuai... fLy tO thE skY... S... jeWelry... LeE sEunG cHul... goD... paPaYa... L'Arc~en~Ciel... GlaY... mY LittLE loVeR... dO aS iNfiniTy... OranGe ranGe... dRagoN aSh... mR.cHiLdreN... LuNa SeA... siAm sHade... juDY & MaRy... chaRcOaL filteR... T.M reVoluTioNs... X-jaPaN... B'z... kiRoRo... HiRai KeN... KiNki KiDs... SoutHern aLL StaRs... HimuRo kYosuKe... cHaGe & aSkA... moRniNg mUSumE... ThE gOsPelleRs... naKasHima miKa... dEeN... kuBotA toShinObU... maTsuDa sEikO... pOrNo gRAfFiti... tOmMy feBruaRy6... miSia... haMasaKi aYumi... hiKaru uTaDa... soPhia... thE yeLLow moNkeY... tuBe... mEtaLLiCa... S.O.A.D... eMiNeM... D12... bliNk 182... gReeN daY... thE rAsMuS...
Japanese & Korean movies... Taegukgi... The Classic... Ringu... Ju-On... Postman Blues... A Tale Of Two Sisters... Dark Water... White Room... Christmas In August... IL MARE... My Sassy Girl... Windstruck... Face... Love Letter... RAN... Whiteout... Bayside Shakedown... Space Travelers... Kakashi... Failan... Love Wind,Love Song... Scandal... Three... Tora! Tora! Tora!... Seven Samurai... The Lord Of The Rings... Harry Potter... The Matrix... The Ring... The Last Samurai... Unfaithful... Signs... The Sixth Sense... Armageddon... The Rock... Devil's Advocate... Star Wars... Rush Hour... Shanghai Noon... Shanghai Knights... Replacement Killers... Bulletproof Monk... Evolution... We Were Soldiers... Behind Enemy Lines... Enemy Of The States... Enemy At The Gates... Bad Company... Love Story... Long Time Dead... Double Vision... Godzilla... Spiderman... American Pie... Scary Movie... The Hot Chick... Final Destination... The Replacements... The Bourne Identity... X-Files The Movie... Deep Impact... End Of Days... Tomb Raider... U-571.. Gone In 60 Seconds... 8MM... Woman On Top... The Fifth Element... The Mambo Kings... The Perfect Storm... Back To The Future... Home Alone... The Karate Kid... Only You... The Parole Officer... The Parent Trap... I Know What You Did Last Summer... Jurassic Park... The Mummy... What Lies Beneath... Austin Powers... Johnny English... Spirited Away... Metropolis... Samurai X The Movie... The Time Machine... Pearl Harbour... Jeepers Creepers... Men In Black... The Recruit... Any Given Sunday... Catch Me If You Can... Terminator 3...
Arirang TV... Pops In Seoul... mtv Kayozine... mtv Punk'd... mtv Cribs... mtv Room Raiders... TRL... Channel [V]... MUtv... AZIO Entertainment Show... ESPN... AXN... X-play... TechTV... NHK World... CCTV International... Bloomberg TV... The Late Show With David Letterman... Love Love Japan... Fun Music... 24... CSI... Alias... X-Files... Jake 2.0... The Practice... Boston Public... Wild Card... The 4400... Winter Sonata... Stairway To Heaven... Lovers In Paris... Romance... Ice World... With Love... (not so)Perfect Love... Long Vacation... GTO... Sweet Season... Yamato Nadeshiko... Toshie to Matsu... Hyakunen no Monogatari... Majo no Jouken... HOTMAN... Power Office Girls... Nakata Clan Detectives... Water Melon... Oyaji Tantei... Tadano Hitoshi... Happy Prince... that 70's show... 2 Guys & A Girl... Everybody Loves Raymond... The Amazing Race... Fear Factor... Survivor... American Idol... The Apprentice... For Love Or Money 3... Ranma 1/2... Samurai X... Slam Dunk... Boys Be... Sakura Wars... Dual... El-Hazard... Niea_7... Dragon Ball... The Legend Of Condor Hero... Ah! My Goddess!!... You're Under Arrest!!... Gensomaden Saiyuki... RAVE... Now & Then,Here & There... Vandread... Evangelion... Oji The Section Chief... Crayon Shin Chan... Eden's Bowy... Love Hina... Ayashi no Ceres...
MuHammAd S.A.W... himURa keNsHin... sOLiD sNaKE... sOn GokU... aKeChi saManOsUke...