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When our last cry is "Who am I?".... one soul responds

About Me

David H.Sebag: I am married to my beloved wife Anna, who I have been with for ten years now. We are currently working on the Dark Eden Trilogy, a profound epic adventure which captures extraordinary action in a mystical quest for the truth. Dark Eden is the fallen consciousness of the world we live in. The story is the universal journey of the soul from Darkness back home to Eden. Please see for more information.Since my wedding with Anna we have enjoyed the most wonderful years as a couple. Thankfully our marriage has grown from strength to strength and we hope to have a child soon. Everything I have done and achieved until now has been in great part to the love, faith and patience of my beautiful wife. So thank you, for standing by me each and every day, and inspiring me to make a difference.It is a narrow path placing faith in your dreams, though thankfully in time the words of King Solomon have held true: that "a man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men". The decision to follow our dreams came shortly after our engagement, when I decided to leave a lifelong career in banking with all its promise and lucrative temptations. Since that fateful day we have overcome many great obstacles as we carved out our path to the fabled tranquil waters. I know in my heart of hearts that none of this would have been possible without the love of my beloved Anna, who supported my leap of faith with unwavering encouragement. Also the extra special friendship and love of my family and friends. Especially Steven Benitez who has been an incredible teacher guiding me to becoming a much better person, becoming in touch with my faith and a true love for life and God.I often used to laugh when I heard a friend say "When God closes a door he opens a window" I thought why open a window, surely it would be kinder to open another door. Over the past few years I have seen so many miracles in the work we are doing at Golden Light studios & Our Orphans, and it has been such a blessing to me to be working with one of the most loving teams on the planet. In my heart of hearts I hope that someday the work we are doing will bless children and families all around the world.If you have read this far, you must either be bored or someone with a like heart and mind. So I wish you well on your own journey, with love and blessings.Take care & God blessDavid
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