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Die Hisbollah (arabisch „Partei Gottes“, oft auch Hizbullah, Hizb-Allah oder Hezbollah geschrieben) ist eine islamistische libanesische Organisation. Sie entstand ab 1982 durch den Zusammenschluss verschiedener schiitischer Gruppen . Der Name der Organisation ist koranischen Ursprungs.Im Libanon ist sie einerseits eine politische Partei, die seit 1992 auch im Parlament vertreten ist. Zur Zeit stellt sie 14 von 128 Parlamentsabgeordneten und den Energieminister in der aktuellen libanesischen Regierung. Andererseits verfügt sie aber nach wie vor über paramilitärische Einheiten, die insbesondere im Süden des Landes unabhängig von der libanesischen Staatsgewalt agieren. Die Hisbollah verfolgt sowohl sozialpolitische Ziele, etwa im Bereich Bildung und Gesundheitswesen, als auch außenpolitische Strategien .Die USA, Israel und einige andere Staaten betrachten die Hisbollah als Terrororganisation. Der Rat der Europäischen Union führt die Hisbollah in seiner am 29. Mai 2006 veröffentlichten Liste von Terrororganisationen nicht auf, während das EU-Parlament in einer Entschließung aus dem März 2005 von „terroristischen Aktivitäten seitens der Hisbollah“ spricht.---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------Hezbollah (meaning party of God) is a Shi'a Islamist militant and political organization based in Lebanon.Hezbollah began to take shape during the 1982 Lebanon WarHezbollah has popular support in most arab lands . In addition Hezbollah receives arms, training, and financial support from many Arab sympathizers . Hezbollah, which started only with a militia, has grown to an organization which has seats in the Lebanese government, a radio and a satellite television station, and programs for social development.Since 1992 the organization has been headed by Sheikh Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, its Secretary-General.Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, the Netherlands and Israel consider Hezbollah, or its external security arm, a terrorist organization. All other countries do not list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and all Arab countries consider it a resistance organization. The European Union does not list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.The terrorist label is controversial and highly political as many Arab and Muslim states support Hezbollah's goals and consider it legitimate.Russia says that it doesn't list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization because it does not view Hezbollah as a threat to Russia.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------Check out these figures & facts... Taking into consideration the tiny dimensions of Lebanon 10425km2 1) 17 Religious communities. 2) 40 Daily newspapers. 3) 42 Universities. 4) Over 100 Banks. 5) 70% of the students are in private schools. 6) There are 1 doctor/10 people. (In Europe & the US, there's 1 doctor/100 people). 7) The name "Lebanon" appears 75 times in the old testament. 8) The name "Cedar" appears 75 times in the old testament. 9) Beirut was destroyed and rebuilt 7 times. (This is why it's compared to the Phoenix ). 10) There are 3,500,000 Lebanese in Lebanon. 11) There are 5,630,000 Lebanese outside Lebanon 12) The country was occupied by: Assyrians - Babylonians -Byzantines - Persians - Pharaohs - Persians - Alexander the Great - Roman Empire - Crusaders - Ottoman Empire- Britain - France - Israel - Syria. 13) Byblos is the oldest city in the world. 14) Lebanon's name has been around for over 4000 years. (It's the oldest name in the world). 15) Lebanon is the only country in Asia/Africa that doesn't have a desert. 16) There are 15 rivers in Lebanon ; all of them flowing from its mountains. 17) The first Alphabet was created by Cadmus in Byblos. 18) Lebanon is the country with the most published books per capita. 19) The Phoenicians created the first boat ever. 20) Phoenicians reached the Americas long before Columbus. 21) The 1st law school in the world was built in Lebanon. 22) 160,000 people died in the civil war that started in 1975 and ended in the ninetiesIt is still the most wonderful country to live in despite all the problems and troubles we are going through. Let us have some hope... Myspace Layout
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