Wow. So many to choose from. Music, shopping, hair stuff, skin, reality tv, friends, ufc, powerlifting, healthy eating, martinis, portland, new sisters, politics, john stewert, stephan colbert, my kids, the library, my mom, yer mom, the world, africa, texas, people who have been in governmental positions in texas, luxembourg, people from southern california, Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, interior designers, homeless people, oprah, i will think of more later...
Jesus, God, Oprah, Rosa Parks and the guy who invented Charmin.Also people who love me like my husband...
Juliana theory, Stutterfly, Mournig After, Locke, Eisley, Shawn McDonald, Christina Angulara , NAS, Dashboard Confessionals, Modest Mouse, Blindside, Dirt, HFC, Judy Jacobs, Isreal and the New Breed, Alicia Keys, Steve Miller Band, Side Project, Van Morrison, Weezer, Wyclef, Missy, Citizen Cope, White chocolate soldier, William Hung, Journey, Stevie Nicks, The Police when sting was with them, Peter Gabriel, Jay-Z, JT, Stevie Wonder,David Bowie, and anything written by Leon Josaitis.
Borat, Taledegga Nights, The new Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the rings and matrix trilogies, Dave Chapell's Blcok Party. Waiting, In her Shoes. Sixteen Candles, Anchorman, Face Off, Memphis Blue, Liar Liar, The Goonies, Napolean Dynamite, Passion of The Christ, The Aviator, Team America, Farenheight 911, Hitch, The Life of David Gale, Pay it Foward, movies that make you want to be a better person and movies that make you laugh.Also home movies of my kids.
John Stewert and The Colbert report, American Idol, Benny Hinn, 20/20, Primetime, 48hours, 60 minutes, Antique road show, CSI (Miami). Basically anything suspensful and I love news shows. Now that we finally have entered the 21st century and got sattelite, i love: dr.90210, soap net is my friend and it shows old 90210 shows. i practically lived at beverly high, ya heard. i also like yo momma, the hills, dog the bounty hunter, i just really love tv.
Everything Dan Brown, How the Caged Bird Sings,The Pearl, Diary of Anne Frank, basically anything we had to read in hs, i really liked. Hemotions, The Kings daughter. Everything Dean Koontz, the Bible
My husband, my mom, Jesus, Scott Lawson, Fran McIntyre and every woman who has raised a great child.