MSN? [email protected] favourite favourite thing to do is lounge around in my comfiest PJ bottoms, eating an abundance of good food, and spending time with the people i love, i love singing in the car like no1 can see, skipping and when im feeling really brave, rollie polies down a grassy hill.i love angels, shiny things, purty rocks and shells, colourful things - painting, clothes, people, and FOOD!!!
As many people as i can, awesome people that teach me things about life, and great ways to have fun, im chuffed with the people ive met so far, legends!!!
Im quite eclectic and will listen to anything, i love watchin live music, especially when its chilled out!! my music changes depending on my mood i think, but dude i aint fussy!!!
My favourite film of all time is the Green Mile, but I love anything with Adam Sandler, and of course, any Disney movie
if there was a degree in Hollyoaks I'd probably pass it with flying colours (I'm not ashamed to admit it). Other than that, I love anything that makes me chuckle (im perfecting my jelly belly laugh).
my fave book is the Green Mile, I rate it higher than the film, but both make me snivvle at the end. I also love Tuesdays With Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, 1984, Of Mice n Men, I love anything that really makes you think about things.
Besides FIREMEN!!!my 'rents...not only because they'r amazing people, but also because i reckon theyv both got secret super-powers. My bro is my rock - fuckin legend!!The other people I really look up to, are the 'just do it' people, the ones that take time out of their lives to actually do something for someone else, or do the things they wanna do. i seem to find excuses not to do things, but im getting better.