Member Since: 12/27/2006
Band Members:
Dennis Proffitt Aka DenRA
Mark Wakabayashi Aka MarkWalk
Influences: Vibrational Dreams of Spirit and Love
Sounds Like:
Surfrider Foundation Sick Surfers PSA
Real Spiritual Insight:
Cooperation of the male and female is paramount at this time so that each will begin to hold their place upon the vibrating central strand. The Earth is being directed in this evolution by higher forces wherein humanity is engaged as the planetary activists to bring forth further evolution. At present humanity is becoming parasitical and will be released from this occupation due to the nature of its blockages unless immediately rectified. Earth changes will continue and conclude with the restructuring of continents, oceans, skies and climates as she attempts to awaken humanity to its blocks. In the case of America it is at this juncture where the incarnated souls have come to hold the light within the country as she aligns with the will of the Earth. There are grid points of light which are being held into abeyance by the Wayshowers at the request of the Teachers of Light. In this time of transformation America will be the first nation to experience the power of the energies which are being focused into the Heart of the Earth and being sent through the messenger nations of the east.The Galactic Heart speaks. You are of the third will of the life we have created and you are to be the ones who transform your planet into light. It is your duty and dharma to be the ones who call forth from the wisdom of your soul and bring your spirit to shine the light forth into the darkness that is been decreed over. As the time unfolds you are becoming one with our will and purpose as the necessary changes are coming to face you. Look into the darkness with the eyes of intelligence, wisdom and guidance and see the solution as complete. It is completed and there is no fear to hold back the energy that is already moving towards the original destination. As the release of energy comes forth the heart of the male will feel the light of his soul’s purpose unfold and the power of the female soul will again have the power of creation. It is her will which will bring forth the manifestation and so that the wheel turns again.From the Galactic Heart and from the Central Sun the light shines with great power and force to bring about the turning of this age to the next. The powers of your mind to discern these revelations are for your benefit and for that of all who are created upon this world. You are of the great will of the divine soul of humanity which has accepted the call to bring about the sacred creation of a new vision and expansion of the infinite universe. We accept your work and appreciate your life purpose.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie