About Me
*************************** Website ***************************
************************** Biography **************************
Stranger is a 24 years old French sound producer Dj
Since ever, he's been interested in music
In 2000, he begins outting in clubs, where he gets his first experiences with other Djs
In 2001, he undertakes to make slide vinyls by himself, then, after a few training, makes his' debut in private parties and local radios
(2003) Under an initial Techno/Techno-Trance influence constantly evolving, he starts his Dj career in clubs and other events, like the GTI international tuning, biggest concentration in France, (60 000 people)
(2004) Quickly well known, Stranger becomes resident for Reloaded ("MetrOpoliS", France, biggest club near Paris) during more than a year, period while his style evolves again and changes into Jumpstyle/Hardstyle
In 2005, he mix in some big clubs, during a year, he'll perform with international Djs (A-lusion, Blackmail, Brainkicker, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Pila, Super Marco May, Tatanka, Technoboy, Vortex, etc...)
Then, in 2006, he enters into a collaboration with some radios and is booked up into different French clubs...
...Success in consequence of which, he launches into production that you'll listening titles soon
(to follow...)