The service starts at 7...The root of the name of the Number 7 means Perfect, Complete, or Satisfied...God’s favorite number is 7...Forgiveness should happen 70 times 7...There are 7 days in a week...7 looks like an "L" spun counterclockwise 180 degrees and "L" stands for Love. God is Love…The service lasts 77 minutes...Most people have to drive on 77 to get here...The center two sections of chairs in Cornerstone's sanctuary are in 7s...The band usually plays 7 songs...There are usually 7 people involved with the service from the platform...7 rhymes with heaven...In the book of Revelation there are 7 lamp stands...God rested on the 7th day...7 began in the year of our Lord, 2007...If you have any reasons why 7 is a fitting name, please email them to [email protected] and we will post them!