I wish I could save the world, but first I have to figure out how to save myself. I love spiral notebooks and good coffee. I have a good family even if we do fight a lot. I adore my youth group... they are the best. I am always on the hunt for new and interesting people. I will love you if you know who you are and are not afraid to show it. I am writing a book and working on taking pictures for it. I love photography. I have tattoos and piercings and I like it that way. I think hot tea is the shit. I am very politically minded... and if you don't like it then tough. I think people need to start forming opinions for themselves and then stand up for them... but at the same time learn to stop shoving their beliefs down others' throats. I love to travel... there are so many beautiful places to see. I have an obsession with the stars... I love looking up at the sky and seeing something different and stunning every time I do. If you have never seen a shooting star hit me up and we will go out and watch. I have a soft spot for nerds and emo guys... I think punk guys are hot. I think camping is fun. I am a nerd. I no longer drink soda, nor will I ever go back to it. When I was younger I loved fishing and reading... I still love reading. I have pets and love them... fish... dogs... cat... chickens... turtles... rabbits... snake... ferrets. I love incense and candles. I have a phobia of popping balloons. I cannot stand the suffering of others. Sushi is awesome. I enjoy getting dressed up and feeling pretty. I am an ordained minister. I am not religious but I love to study foreign religion. I believe understanding breeds tolerance, and tolerance leads to acceptance. I think the world be a much better place if everyone would stop forcing their dogma on others. Live and let live. I have the world's messiest room but I am a neat freak. If you want to know the keys to my heart: surprise me... bring me flowers... bring me balloons... show me you care... remember something important to me... call or text me just because... tell me something I want to hear... complement me... hug me like you ACTUALLY mean it... be compassionate... kiss me on the forehead... put your arm around my shoulder... show interest in something that I am passionate about. These things go for everyone... all my friends. The smallest things mean the most... and I will always return the favor. Water can heal. Music can save a soul. Singing is second nature to me. I love poetry. Painting is therapy. I am a lifetime member of Girl Scouts. I have never thought of myself as pretty. I love to do things for other people... to make them happy. I am a procrastinator. I love to cuddle, and show affection for those I care about. I am an expert on chakras and somewhat on auras, I feel energy is important to understand. I often feel left out. I love cool weather and fall is my favorite season. I think it is a tragedy when it is hot on Halloween. At the end of the day I just want to go to sleep feeling loved, and know that I did something to make someone's life a little better. In my own small way I made the world a better place.
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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God.Your playing small doesn't serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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