Coureur des Bois profile picture

Coureur des Bois

About Me



I strongly urge all of you to go to the above link and subscribe to their bulletins. It is, I think, vital to try and gain a more objective view of the world than that portrayed simply through the mainstream media. The Medialens site will hopefully provide a means to question and become more informed.

I love being a TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!! I still do, but I'm rapidly getting fed up with bands. Bands, bands, bands every bloody where! You hear me all you budding musicians, stop it, now, you are not only hurting yourselves but everyone who has to try and listen to you all. Go out into the woods and sleep under a pile of leaves, it is autumn now they will keep you WAAAAAAAAARM. END OF LINE

To one side of the brain (the left) the Sun is a superheated ball of gas, one of a myriad in the vastness of space, to the other (the right) it is an all powerful deity, imbued with life giving potency. These views alternate depending on the brain's hemispheric ascendancy. I myself have been privy to both views in my time so far, with the thoughts seemingly dependent on the proximity to either books or humans containing scientific data or substances that unlock the pathways within the brain/consciousness. There is no doubt however of the power of the physical 'Sun' and the difficulty of regarding it directly without resorting to some intermediary device to dilute its effects and observe it, or a portion of its manifestation in the physical, perceptible sphere, without causing oneself permanent physical damage. This fact alone justifies the supernatural powers granted it by generations, and goes some way to explaining the aversion of eyes that is so common with historical kings/emperors.

This statement is from US ambassador Edward Korry regarding the CIA operations in Chile that led to the coup of General Pinochet in the early 70s: "do all within our power to condemn Chile and the Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty, a policy designed for a long time to come to accelerate the hard features of a Communist society in Chile." At least it's honest.

Here is my dog Meghan, she likes bands!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Charlie, he's a bubblegum genius with a hat and tache to die for!

David Attenborough - They've plugged a USB lead into his brain and asked him to dream really hard down the pipe...apparently!

My Blog

All of the lovelies

Oh helloe there. Well I haven't seen you for a while. Sit down and take a load off. Pull up a glass of scotch and let's talk.   It is taste so lovely
Posted by on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 13:04:00 GMT

I'm so excited, but I'm reallg good at concealing my feelings..nevertheless I AM about to lose

Roughriders...what's up wit dat? Y'all
Posted by on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 08:57:00 GMT


I made new stuff happen on my page, it's magic! Now the lonesome cowboy Swaggart can praise the Whores of Louisiana from my very page. Yeee haaaa "My name is Swaggart, I am an asshole". Swaggart an...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Apr 2005 17:35:00 GMT

invalid subject line, you cannot leave the subject blank.

Posted by on Mon, 25 Apr 2005 15:01:00 GMT

you cannnoot daisy diasy give me your assnwer do

ah the fresh spring rain morning fire hazard beebop allolah she isssssss my cutire baby, bebeebapfolollah io don a mean a mabye
Posted by on Mon, 25 Apr 2005 07:02:00 GMT