Thanks for visiting!!! The songs you are about to hear are from practices that I have recorded through the years. I have held out a long time in showing anyone these songs because I have always wanted to present them in their full potential, but I have given up this thinking the last 7 years to share with others what I have been up to musically. Please consider my songs as unfinished paintings. This is a diary into my musical journey. I have about 50 songs and hundreds of ideas recorded on micro cassettes, 2-track, 4-track, digital voice recorders, boom box, and pro tools. I do not have any songs that are ready to be released as is. I know there is room to grow and hopefully I will meet other musicians to grow with. Please read “The history of Blacksmith of Glory†to see where it all began. Also, keep checking back in because I will be changing out the songs every month or so to show other song ideas......
Plain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider