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I am here for Friends

About Me

I dO beLieVe there is God but i don't want to disCusS it OutsiDe Of my idEaLs.
My ambitiOn is tO tRaVeL.
I dO beLieVe in TruE LoVe.
I am a hOpeLeSs rOmantic..a glaSs of chardOnnay will do me gOod.
My famiLy is my LifE..iCe is foR LiFe! and bOx is fOrEveR and Mia toO!
I think wOrk stiNks and schOol suCks..sOmEtimEs.
I LivE to WorK nOt WorK tO LivE & SureLy Pain is a Part of HappineSS.
I LoVe ma' girLs and ma' reefas.
I LoVe tennis my passion-frustration.
I liKe to ShiVeR but I hate tO Cry.
I LoVe beinG heaRtBrOken.
I LoVe mCdonaLds..taCoBeLL..OreO..pretzeLs..dOritOs..mOchaFraP.JaVa niLLa..baNaNa CaRaMeL yay! appLe SauCe..maRsHmaLLowS & daisiEs.
Coldplay.. I'm soOoOO InLOVE with YOU guyS.

My Interests


TheNotebook - Serendipity
Scarface - TopGun
LegendsOfTheFall - ALotLikeLove
CountOfMonteCristo - Far&Away
MyBestFriend'sWedding - AWalkToRemember
TheLongestYard - HotChick
Devil'sAdvocate - CruelIntentions
GerryMaguire - Cars


CSI - Fastlane
Sex&TheCity - ZoeBusiek
DesperateHousewives - The OC
OneTreeHill - SimpleLife
MTV - ETdaily & TheInsider
Oprah & Today