Ang del Roberto profile picture

Ang del Roberto

Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with al

About Me

My real name is Andrew Morris. Ang Bob came into existence about four years ago by the Pope's, and has stuck. Who I am, is a person who loves his God with all his heart, soul, mind, strength and every part of my being. He has rescued me so many times that all can do is just stop and honor and praise him!!!! I am originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, but now have been called to Beulaville, North Carolina. I am a former Marine. I served five years faithfully to the Corps. Great Exereince. In 03 I was in Iraq getting some action, Awesome time. Now I go to the most awesome Church in the world "Grace Covenant Church" or better known as "GCC". I am blessed to have awesome Pastor's that live what they speak. I am Worship Leader, Worship follower, and a Youth Leader. I am soon to be a student at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in the fall of '08. I am pursuing a degree in Exercise Science/Personal Training. That's about all I've got to say. Oh yeah Jesus is way cool!!!!!!!

Background from Google search result

My Interests

Soccer, Hiking, running, lifting weights, swimming, skydiving, playing music, coffee, traveling

I'd like to meet:

Bear Grylls, George W., and of course Arnold.


music that impacts lives for the Glory of God.... United, Hillsong, Delirious, Disciple, Joe Sat, Matchbox 20,


300, Patriot, Gladiator, Apocalypto, any movie with military action.


Man V.s. Wild, anything on the history or discovery channel.


Don't like to read muchbut I do read the "Word" because it brings life.Can not wait until I am finished with Pride and Prejudice...What torture.


Jesus Christ he died so we can live.....Pastor Wade Pope(A Man solid in his faith, Pastor Jim and Marise Pope, David Lee (The greatest youth leader in the world ,and last but not of the least Three fellow Marines who gave their lives so we can live free Gentian Marku, David Houck, and Nathan Anderson. Oh yeah almost forgot Bear Grylls man vs. wild dude