Lehigh Valley Occult Association profile picture

Lehigh Valley Occult Association

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello to you, my name is Grim and I'm interested in creating a new organization in the Lehigh Valley. Our area is home to a great many Pagans, Occultists, and 'Otherkin' of every sort. Yet I've found very few groups of any sort meant for these individuals. Study Circles, Social Groups, Covens, and so on...all of these would be so welcome here, yet are so absent.
Now I would love to find or found a Coven, a Study Circle, or any other sort of specialized group - but for any one group I'd manage to create, there would be dozens and hundreds of individuals in this area who would not be attracted to the specific theology or structure of that group.
I've given this some thought, and decided that instead of creating a single specialized group - I would try to start a 'blanket' association. A network of all the Pagans, Occultists, Paranormal Researchers, Otherkin, and so on throughout the area.
Then, once together in this network - we could work among ourselves to create internal Covens, Study Circles, and so on.
The possibilities are vast. Numerous Covens for specific faiths, large social gatherings where we can be open about who and what we are, organized paranormal/supernatural research runs (i.e. checking out "haunted" houses or going to festivals) , open study circles regularly held about specific subjects.
I want to do this, and I want to do it as quickly as possible. But I need a lot of help...be it simply support, be it aid in setting up a website, be it help in organizing or advertising, whatever it may be...I need it and will gladly accept it.
Please contact me via e-mail or IM, and we'll go from there.
Thank you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone whose life is touched by the weird and wild. Occultists, Magi, Warlocks, Witches, Druids, Fae, Vampires, Therians, Paranormal Researchers, Aliens, and adventurers of all sorts.