The SPRING SECRETS promotional team presents an annual 3-day series of events each April for companies to meet and greet hundreds of powerhouse women face to face introducing your company’s latest products and services that will inspire our invited guest to identify and support your brand. It’s all about revealing whats exciting and new for spring each year.SPRING SECRETS offers our marketing partners and new companies a forum to speak about their product and or service, distribute their product and literature to our female guest who seek to purchase new innovative products that range from cosmetics, technology, the latest in spring couture fashion, the best automobile to purchase and valuable resources to support your daily life.As the flowers blossom in the spring time, the SPRING SECRETS producing team shines the light on selfless organizations who are concerned with the well being of their community. We highlight charitable organizations that empower youth and educate our youth.Women are handling the finances and making smart decisions about investments and banking. Women are the ultimate jugglers and multi-taskers. Women wear many hats and can shift gears from soccer mom to corporate executive powerhouse in the blink of an eye.It’s about the new, fresh, exciting products and services we want to learn more about and buy. Today, women are responsible for 85% of America’s annual $7 trillion dollars in total personal expenditures. Women today are the most powerful segment in the world. Women are making the majority of the household decisions for themselves, their families, including decisions made on big ticket items like cars and long vacations.Promote your corporate brand and services today.Email us at [email protected]