CELESTE: 1) Spanish- shade of blue 2) a female given name from a Latin word meaning "heavenly" 3) of or relating to the sky 4) a heavenly body..Ahem..Exactly! Cuban American. College edjumacated but so what. Artist in every sense of the word. Animal lover, nature lover. Wish I could be a world traveler. See the world through rose colored glasses. I take my family, work, and life seriously; but never take myself too seriously. Here are some 'Celestisms' for my own amusement and yours:
"Life is like a roll of toilet paper; when it finally runs out, you don't want to get stuck with unfinished business. Make today count; take responsibility for your own ass, and don't expect others to clean it up for you."
-Celeste Gomez
One must qualify under clause 1 through 999, of laws A through Z, in order to become a candidate for parenthood. If one fails to meet ALL criteria, parenthood is DENIED. Procreation is forbidden. You will be made STERILE immediately, by any means necessary, in order to prevent further chaos, neglect, and immoral behavior. Under no circumstances can SCREWY PEOPLE have children. Screwy people WILL screw up kids’ lives...it just screws everything up and we all get screwed sooner or later. Screw all you crappy parents! You know who you are...screwballs."
(not directed at my wonderful parents)
-Celeste Gomez