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About Me

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

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Name: Victor
Age: 40
Height: 6'4
Birthday: July 23rd
Birthplace: Seattle WA
Current location: Portland OR
Zodiac sign: Leo
Chinese zodiac sign: Ram
Right or left handed: Right
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
About you
Family situation: Loving ,Friendly,Happy
Pets: Lexx the super dog & Oliver the Sea Lion Cat
Favorite Relative: dont have a favorite,one of my sisters
Least favorite relative: cant say for it would hurt feelings
Heritage: Scottish/French
Political affiliation: Ind.
Love & Sex
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Are you in a relationship: Yep
If so, with whom: Kate
For how long: 4 yrs
Are you in love: Always
Ever had a crush on someone of the same sex: No
How old were you when you had your first kiss: 9--- i started early
What age do you want to lose your virginity: 12
Where do you most like to be kissed: everywhere
Best love quote:
Best friend(s): Chris,Lexx...
How many do you have: Not many
Love them all: ya
More guys or girls: guys
Any you wish you were closer to: yes
Oldest: 43
Newest: N/A
Friends and Words: Associate them
Pen: Krispin
Flower: Kate
Pink: Ben
Window: Jason
Heart: Al
Mother: Rachel
Bread: loren
Insane: me,myself and i
Sunglasses: peg
Pimp: Chino
Cross: Bill
Lonely: blowjob pete
Car: ha
Music: Chris
This or That
Boxers or Briefs: None
Thongs or G-Strings: none
Shorts or Pants: shorts
Shoes or Barefeet: barefeet
Books or Movies: books and movies
Night or Day: Night
Dark or Light: dusk
Mountains or Beach: both
Snow or Sun: both
Pepsi or Coke: .....Dr Pepper/ seltzer water
Guys or Girls: Girls,girls,girls
Swim or Surf: swim
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Number: 30
Favorite Holiday: Halloween/Christmas/ my fuckin birthday!!
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Food: everything
Favorite Drink: water
Favorite Magazine: linn's
Favorite Flower: Stargazer lilly
Have you Ever:
Danced in the rain: yep
Been on stage: yep
Been drunk: yep, not so much anymore
Done drugs: yep
Been beaten up: yep
Kissed someone of the opposite sex: no....yes if parents count
Been overseas: many times
Been in love: yes always and forever
Done anything you regret: many many many things
Gone skinny dipping yep

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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