im....joHnNaMaE cAsiL....Or You cAn cALL me mimi....a pRaCticAL nUrs!ing stUdEnt...heRe in GeN. SAn. ciTy.....weLL,,,im a tYpE of a PerSon ThAt kIndA mOody.....ahahahh my mOodS thAt cAn iRritAtE mY bOyfriEnd And fRiEndS.....who cArEs tHats mE!!!! also....sweet lil'gIrL....hahahah....but manY pEopLe uSuaLLy th!nkS thAt im "mAtArAy"....yah theyRe right but im alSo niCe nAmAn...hahahah...oh a fRiEndLy type oF pErSoN who lOveS gOiNg Out with mY lArGe gRoUp oF a pArtY goeR....hmm...(what else should i say about myself)well,in also out going...i can go anywhere i that come through my also outspoken person....
oh well with guys... all that matters is if they are really true about what they feel i want that person to be funny and fun to be with like there wont be a dull moment with him.. someone that can make me feel special and can spend more time with me,sweet,and cAriNg too ...
thErEs iS a biG w0rLd oUt thErE, biGgEr thAn pR0m,biGgEr thAn hiGhsChooL..iT w0Nt MaTteR iF y0u wEre thE pRom qUeEn 0r thE qUaRtErbaCk 0F thE f0otBaLL tEaM 0R thE biGgESt nErd iN sKuL.. fiNd oUt whO you aRe aNd tRy n0t 2 bE aFraiD 0f iT. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .uNLikE OtHa hOeZ i dOn't nEeD cOmPaRiN iF u dOn't LiKe mE bitCh dEn wHy u StARiN?. . . . . . . . .LovE bY somE hAted bY maNy enVied bY mOst yeT waNted pLentY. . . .