THE OFFICIAL BREAKFAST CLUB PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
About Me
1.chrybabyfor all yall out there wondering wat the breakfast club (bc) is, keep reading. Breakfast Club was founded in may of 2006, by a wonderful guy named chry baby. He teamed up wit 1 of his breast friends jason (phresh) to create this idea he had. basically wat he created was a group of young indivisuals who have dreams, and goals to do something in life, become somebody, or make it big: as 1 big team. breakfast club is a team filled with talented people, pursuing there goals. To get down you have to have a talent, along with a godd personality. but not only have a talent u gotta be the best at wat u do. Majority of the team are dancers but we have, sport players, artist, rapers, singers. etc.We rep hard. i mean who wouldn't wanna be down with one of the hottest teams in harlem. the name concept came from, a saying we have out here in harlem(i'm hungry)meaning that your willing work for what u want & and you'll do what ever it takes in any possible postive aspect to get it..... and out of all the meals in a day which one is the most important???? BREAKFAST duh, cuz its the 1st meal of the day, so that means wateva u eat is ur energy supply for the day, so make sure u its good. lol. but ne way dats the short way to put it. keep showin luv to the club, i mean we appreciate every bit of it. DEAD SERIOUS.
My Interests
Harlem March aka No Music Video
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