Human nature.
Mankind but most of all womankind (No, it's not why I don't appreciate what I have. I'm in love, deeply. It's why men are nearly always blocked in a role till borned. There is the macho, the intellectual, the bad, the lady-killer, the lost, the strange/mad/artist. If you're not a man you don't know how difficoult is only to be yourself, expecially when you are young, so when you are grown you have learnt a role to survive and leave this for an unknown Graal is for few people. A woman have a universe only to develop. Yes, I know. I know that the society, and nearly always your family (tragically the mother too), desperately try to reduce you only to a perfect wife or a bitch to fuck. But today, if you're borned in a lucky place, you may nearly always leave the play and become a woman like you want. It's only a question of fearlessness).
Philosophy, Psicology.
Every kind of human expression too... yes... Movies, Cartoons, Books and Music and Theatre and so on.
...and this is Vanessa, a vain female creature very glad to receive your appreciation...
Everyone if there is a transitory but clear moment of eternity.
Ed è subito sera
Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra
trafitto da un raggio di sole
Ed è subito sera
And sudden is evening
Everyone stay alone on the heart of the earth
transfixed by a ray of sun
And sudden is evening
Salvatore Quasimodo
(Modica 1901 - Amalfi 14 giugno 1968)
Egli desidera il tessuto del cielo
"Se avessi il drappo ricamato del cielo,
Intessuto dell’oro e dell’argento e della luce,
I drappi dai colori chiari e scuri del giorno e della notte
Dai mezzi colori dell’alba e del tramonto,
Stenderei quei drappi sotto i tuoi piedi:
Invece, essendo povero, ho soltanto sogni;
E i miei sogni ho steso sotto i tuoi piedi;
Cammina leggera, perché cammini sui miei sogni."
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
"Had I the heaven’s embroidered cloths
Enwrought with golden and silver light
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams"
William Butler Yeats
(Dublin 1865 - Cap Martin 1939)
Sensazione (Marzo 1870)
"Nelle azzurre sere d'estate, andrò per i sentieri,
Punzecchiato dal grano, a pestare l'erba minuta:
Sognatore, ne sentirò la frescura ai piedi.
Lascerò che il vento bagni il mio capo nudo.
Non parlerò, non penserò a nulla:
Ma l'amore infinito mi salirà nell'anima,
E andrò lontano, molto lontano, come uno zingaro,
Nella Natura, - felice come se fossi con una donna."
Sensation (Mars 1870)
"Par les soirs bleus d'été, j'irai dans les sentiers,
Picoté par les blés, fouler l'herbe menue:
Rêveur, j'en sentirai la fraîcheur à mes pieds.
Je laisserai le vent baigner ma tête nue.
Je ne parlerai pas, je ne penserai rien:
Mais l'amour infini me montera dans l'âme,
Et j'irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien,
Par la Nature, - heureux comme avec une femme."
Arthur Rimbaud
(Charleville 1854 - Marseille 1891)
Prince and the Revolution - When Doves Cry
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Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again
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The Cure - Lullaby
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Friends that I support for their passion and the feelings they're able to donate during a gig - WORK IN PROGRESS
Every kind of music if it comes from the soul.
Me, I hear Prince, The Police, Pink Floyd, Subsonica, Franco Battiato, CSI/PGR, Depeche Mode, The Cult, Tori Amos, 99 Posse, The Cure, Mozart (but there is a piece of my heart for Carmen Consoli, Meg from 99 Posse and... yes, I must be honest... Kiss).
Well, I love every kind of music except cover songs without real innovaction and "Take That/Spice" generation: I hate the lack of imagination.
Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl
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Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams
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Asian Directors like Zhang Yimou, Wong Kar Wai, Park Chan-wook, Kim Ki-duk; italian directors like Fellini, Pasolini, Antonioni, Moretti, Monicelli and Leone; others (Almodovar, Kieslowski, Rodriguez, Burton, Altman, Scorsese, Allen, Tarantino, Besson).
But I like anime , fantasy and science ("future") fiction too... and there is another piece of my heart for Highlander and Amelie.
Last movies : UDINE FAR EAST FILM FESTIVAL 9 - China: Curiosity killed the cat, ZHANG Y; The Matrimony, TENG H; Hong Kong: After This our Exile, TAM P; A Battle of Wits, CHEUNG J; Dog bite dog, CHEANG S; Eye in the Sky, YAU N; Japan: Death Note and Death Note: the Last Name, KANEKO S, Dororo, SHIOTA A; South Korea: No Mercy for the Rude, PARK C; The Restless, CHO D.
I must be honest: TV is used only for sad moments: but after all I am an happy and lucky guy, so... (in the last year I've seen only La Melevisione, Blob, The Simpson, anime, rugby, historical documentary film)
My favorite
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Mr Magoo Meets Frankenstein
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Daniel Pennac, Alexandre Dumas father, Paulo Coelho, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Pierpaolo Pasolini, Italo Svevo, James Joyce, Rudyard Kipling, Emilio Salgari, J.R.R. Tolkien, Umberto Eco, Italo Calvino, Cesare Pavese, Oscar Wilde, Andrea Camilleri, Kahil Gibran, Michail Bulgakov, Luis Borges, Fedor Dostoevskij, Luigi Pirandello.
But where I have to underline my passion for Hugo Pratt and Crepax?
Last books : La pista di sabbia (Camilleri), Face to face with fear (Krishnananda), Dialogues (Plato).
Each man and each woman that decide to be themselves.