I have a lot of interests. Most of them having to do with drinking music and art. I like tatoos and sometimes have parties at my house where a friend of mine by the name of Jake comes and works on people. He does great custom work and specializes in color.If you like great tats and want to see the work of a great artist then Click Here
I would like to meet all my friends for a huge party at my house every Friday night! Woohoo!!!!
I like my music like I like my men: HEAVY, HARD AND FAST!!!! Well, I am totally joking about liking men that are fast but it sounded kind of funny. I like most genres of music. And especially heavy-metal. I NEVER listen to pop music. Generally it's all "cookie-cutter" bullshit. I also support local and indie music.
Beat Up Terrorists.com - Beat em up when your bored!!!