Arvika profile picture


About Me

Arvika formed somewhere in the beginning of 2002 in Antwerp, Belgium and was brought together by long time friends Johan (drums), Jan (bass) and Frederic (guitar). After 2 years they joined forces with Wouter (guitars and vocals), so that a real band was formed. We first operated under the moniker “No Offence”, but that name was already being used by another Belgian band. So, after going on holiday to Arvika, Sweden, we named the band after this beautiful Nordic village. We rehearsed a while in the Music City in Antwerp, but we then decided to give things a turn and went to the Rhythm Cage in Kruibeke. From then on, things would never be the same…

Initially, we came together to play the music we liked without any further ambition. We covered songs from Nirvana, Feeder, Coldplay, Metallica, etc. and started writing our own material. But then there was an opportunity to perform live, so we took it with both hands. Our first live appearance took place on April 1st 2006 during Gidsenrock in Aartselaar. We liked it so much that this gig was followed by 4 other shows before the end of the year.
Finally, after more than a year of rehearsals and composing, the first real fruits of our labour came to light in March 2007, when we entered the studio to record our first demo. This 3-track demo, which was recorded at the Rhythm Cage and produced by “mix master Mark” contained the tracks “Poor Freddy”, “K.O.” and “Stronger Than The Trees”. You could hear influences from Feeder, Smashing Pumpkins, Blur and Camden.
After hearing some critics, we knew we needed a better vocalist to move the band up and forward. So, in May 2007 Jocelyn was enlisted to our ranks, which turned us into a female fronted rock band. After only being 3 weeks in the band, we hit the stage to perform at “De Deurnestraatfeesten” in Mortsel.
However, in September 2007 Jocelyn decided to quit the band. She wanted to sing another style of music and that was something we couldn't give her. After two months, we finally found a new frontman, Stein. So Arvika is now a five-headed band with one hell of a singer.
In February 2008 the time had come to enter the studio for the second time, once again with “mix master Mark” behind the mixing table. We recorded 3 brand new tracks “Another Sunny Day”, “Turned Out Alright” and “Just Another Way To Feed Yourself” and an older one entitled “Utopia”. We really felt that our songwriting skills had improved and that the new material is much stronger, so with our brand new demo under our wings, we hope to hit the stage very soon!
Greetings from Arvika

My Interests


Member Since: 26/12/2006
Band Website: first a record deal, then a better website
Band Members: Stein Godderé (vocals)
Wouter Mertens (guitar)
Frederic Lie (guitar)
Jan Hendrickx (bass)
Johan Heyrman (drums and lame jokes)

Influences: Feeder, Dear Leader, The Sheila Divine, The Pixies, Snow Patrol, The Fall, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Editors, Coldplay, Katatonia, todays Belgian Rockmusic, and many...oh so many more
Sounds Like: Stone Temple Pilots, Live, Blur, Feeder and Pixies. If you want to book us, please send an e-mail to .

Arvika llive 2009

6/02 De pomp (Hove)
31/01 Cafeest (Kapellen)

Arvika Live 2008

20/12 Kaffee Kardinaal (Sint-Niklaas)
18/10 Club B52 (Eernegem)
15/10 Club 8 (Amsterdam, NL)
26/09 Free Podium (Schilde)
23/08 Scoutsfeesten (Zwijndrecht)
05/08 Radio Benelux (Peer)
26/07 Nipplerock (Edegem)
12/06 NRD (Zwijndrecht)
24/05 Deurnestraatfeesten (Mortsel)
23/05 Parkingstage - rock rally (Weelde)
16/05 Den Eglantier (Sint-Niklaas)
26/04 Bloesemfeesten (Zwijndrecht)
15/03 Malanga (Mortsel)
15/03 Alfacam Studios (lint)

Record Label: record what?

My Blog

Arvika hits the charts

Dear Friends Arvika is currently number 1 in the charts of radio Benelux! Check this site to see the chart: Thanks to the people at Radio Benelux f...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 23:58:00 GMT

New song online

Yesterday Arvika performed at a radio station, radio Benelux. We played 5 songs and afterwards there was an interview. Nice people at radio Benelux and especially all the volunteers of the Durango Ses...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 07:35:00 GMT

Animal drums double shifts

Hey Just so you know: Johan, our slightly mental drummer, plays nowadays in 2 bands: Arvika and Timer ( Pour lads from Timer: now they also have to listen to his silly joke...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 02:05:00 GMT

Nederlandstalige biografie

Arvika ontstond begin 2002 toen Johan (drums), Jan (bas) en Frederic (gitaar) besloten om samen wat te jammen. Wanneer Wouter (gitaar/zang) zich bij hen voegde, kreeg de band pas echt vorm. Na een kan...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 17:26:00 GMT

Arvika visiting Arvika

From Friday the 3rd of August until Monday the 13th of August, Wouter and Johan will be on holiday in the beautiful Arvika town in Sweden, where they will go on a canoe trip.So four of us will have be...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 06:27:00 GMT


Dear Friends,One the following link, you'll find about one hundred pictures of our gig in Mortsel.  Special Thanks to Jeroen for all the hard work!!!GreetzArvika
Posted by on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:41:00 GMT

a word to our sponsor

Some special tnx to Tom Peys for the photos and support on recording day (feedback, catering, bitch, punchbag...).Next time we would like some groupies, godammit!
Posted by on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 19:16:00 GMT

Een beetje geschiedenis

Het ontstaan van Arvika is vreemd genoeg zeer sterk verbonden met de aanslagen van 11 september 2001. Twee dagen nadat enkele torentjes omvervielen, kocht Johan zijn drumstel en ondergetekende zijn ba...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 08:56:00 GMT