Hi. I'm Dean.Inspired by Steven's new "about me", i've decided to work on mine. Here's the cliffnotes so far.
I'm 23 years old. I work as a locksmith, something I don't particularly enjoy. I am however, content currently with just paying off my debt and getting back onto a level playing field. It's not that I have anything against locksmithing, it's a respectable job with respectable pay. Its just that there's no motivation there. Nobody cares what I do. That's about reason enough to not like it, or at least not care much about it.
I have a wonderful little girlfriend named Andrea. I pretty much consider her god's gift to me. Every bad thing I do is reflected off her back into my eyes, and it, if anything, makes me feel a lot more concious about the shitty things I do. Beyond that, she's just about the most loving person i've ever met. Unwaivering loyalty and faithfulness. Kind of like Don without a weiner. Sometimes that can be a real pain in the ass, but for the most part, it's good times. Comes with bundles of fun too, like going to chuch on sundays and getting into hockey, both of which I don't mind.
Onto the friends.
First there is Steven. Easy enough to get a good dose of him on his own myspace. Good guy. As he so graciously said of me in his little blurb, I can be a pain in the ass. No less could be said of him, although for different reasons. He can be completely illogical at times, frustratingly so. He's also exceptionally critical of people at times, but its probably for the best. Barring those things, he's pretty much the best heterosexual life mate I could get. Being part of the dynamic duo of complicated idiocy has had its great moments in the past, and im sure it will in the future.
Who's next? Chronologically speaking, I guess Don should have been first, but oh well. Don, Don, Don. Christ man, i've said it before, but jesus. You attract trouble. Getting shot? I guess if any of my friends were going to, i should have guessed you. But enough negative. Believe it or not, you're a good man. Loyal to the last, and a man of simplicity. The attitude has to go, thats for sure, but you are a good man.
Fuck, not in the mood. more later.