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Her name is Kai Kathrin Diamond. The meaning of her name is unique. She as a little girl knew that she was different then everyone else. Kai didn't really like to hang out with the girls all the time. Yes, she did have girls that were her friends. But, she liked hanging out with the guys more then anything. She does have one older brother that she knows of. His name is Zacky Vengeance. Zacky and Kai were inseparable when they were younger. They used to do everything together....Well almost everything.As Kai grew older her parents divorced. She had to choose to live with her mother or her father. Kai choose her mother. Her and her mother lived in Phoenix, Arizona and her father lives in Huntington Beach, California. Her brother joined a band and moved to Huntington Beach, California. Kai was old enough to live on her own. She is only 20 and she loves the fact that She has enough money to be independent! Kai is a model and a clothing designer. She has modeled since she was at least 10 years young. Kai has always loved being in front of a camera. She did want to be an actress also. But, that changed quickly when she got older and seen all the clothes that she has been modeling for. Kai loves the designer clothes. They amazed her so much. She was happy when she made her first outfit. Kai wore it to work and the designer she was going to have a photo shoot for asked her who made it, and when she said that she had made it herself. The man was amazed.Kai has a daughter named Ashlee Anderson Heart Diamond. Her father is Eclipse Heart. But, he want's nothing to do with her. He was an asshole from the beginning. Kai just hopes that she doesn't start asking who he is. If he wishes to be in her life then she will allow it.
Her name is Danielle Gorgeous. But, you can call her Dani Gore. She likes it when you say Gore instead of Gorgeous. Dani was born Huntington Beach, California. She has no brothers or sisters. Dani was a foster child. When she got old enough the foster care let her go off on her own. She became a very successful model. During a fashion show in Paris she meet Kai. They hit it off so well. They both had so many things in common. When they both came back to the states, Dani asked Kai if she could live with her. Of course Kai said yes. That's just how Kai was. Dani is only 19, a year younger then Kai. It was so nice that they got along after everything she has been threw. Dani is single and kind of looking. She was in love once before and she is still in love with that same guy. John Hock was the love of her life. When they broke up she was heartbroken. Dani hasn't dated since they broke up. She still thinks that John is the one for her. But, if he doesn't come around again; she will try and move one. Dani in the past did drugs. Like weed, cocaine, shrooms, and so on. She did that to cope with her pain and to maintain her weight. She knows its bad and she went to rehab. But, she still does weed every now and then when she is really stressed. Now, Dani is moving on in life. She is not looking for love yet. But, she does sing now to cope with everything. Dani is in a band called the Millionaires. She loves it!
Sapphire Jade Diamond, Kai Kathrin Diamond's half sister. They have the same father. But, a different mother. Sapphire is completely different from Kai. She is a Sibyl. A Sibyl is different from anything supernatural. They are the like the four element. Sapphire has the Earth element. Before She could know Kai, she was sent to Russia and train her powers there. Sapphire is waiting for her trinity sisters to come and find her. Lacey, one of her trinity sisters has found her recently. Sapphire is so great full for it too. She is only two years older then Kai. She was only 21 years young. Sapphire has no career except to protect the good and innocent. She really doesn't look for love. That is because she has learned that you can get hurt very easily. Sapphire never wants to get hurt, nor does she want to hurt anyone. She is pansexual. Meaning she'll date anything. Sapphire would do anything in her power to have a good and healthy relationship with someone.
Her name is Lacey Ann Vengeance and her story is being re-written because that was not who she really was. It will come later.
Her name is Nikki Salem. She is 21 years young. Nikki is also pansexual. She is a drug addict with heroin and cocaine. Nikki can never get over that rush of pleasure she has with cocaine and heroin. Its just simply amazing to her. In the past while she was going up, Nikki would go to clubs and get trashed there. She never really had real parents. Her father was a sick man who molested her at a young age. When she was in her teens she started to do drug and drinking to make the pain go away. But, that pain still comes every now and then. She has trust issues with men, and she is afraid of getting hurt. Nikki has never really been in a actual relationship. So it's hard for her to know what she is doing. In some way. Nikki a laid back girl when you actually get to know her. She will give everyone a second change if they mess up. The only reason being behind that, is because she wishes that she could have had a second chance also in the past.

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Read and Sign, saying that you have read and understood all these rules!!1.)I do not claim to be this girl. Or any of the girl that I might or might have role play[ed]..I will not tell you who I am ro...
Posted by on Sat, 17 May 2008 07:43:00 GMT