I'd like to meet:
First name?:: Carlos
Middle name?:: Guillermo(oddly name isn't it?).
Like your name?:: Yes indeed
Named after anyone?:: Apparently yes...after my dad...
Any nicknames?:: preferably "los" please, others such as carlitos are ok kid
Age?:: 19. Crazy how the years have flown.
Birthdate?:: 17 August, 1987
Birthplace?:: Mexico City
Time you were born?:: 1:40 am.
Current location?:: California (although i would be everywhere, all at once if i could.
Height?:: 5'7 I wouldn't mind growing a few inches more.
Like your height?:: See above.
Eye color?:: Dark brown. Oscillates between the colour of chocolate and a colour so deep and indistinguishable it might as well be black. (Yeah it's really not that exciting.)
Contacts/glasses?:: I'm supposed to wear glasses for everything, but they get in the way of my daily life,specially when im doing sports
Hair color?:: Dark brown,(plain and boring) hrmmmmmm
Natural hair color?:: (A rather boring) dark brown
Dye your hair often?:: See the above of the above.
Righty or lefty?:: Righty. Although sometimes when bored I become a pseudo-lefty. WEll only bowling hehe
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Indie, rock, trance, hiphop, house, classical, drum 'n bass, jazz etc etc...
Band or singer?:: Can't pick one -
TV show?:: I'm adverse to being a couch potato, but I'm human and I give in sometimes. If I had to pick, I'd go with Wonder years, brady bunch,reality tv, CNN!!!!, and when i wanna get a good lauch MTV..
Movie?:: Fight Club,The Break-up,Drama movies that have a message
Radio station?:: A huge fanatic of radio stations...i listen to music from other countries online...when im not online.. i listen to theCoast,Kbig,98.7,Oldie stations, and sometimes classical...
Place to be?:: My favourite secluded spot at Malibu beach, i wish i was there right now.
Thing to do?:: Many many many but many things
Food?:: Love it. All of it. (Chinese, Mexican, Italian.) Italian is my first pick.
Non alcoholic drink?:: Rapsberry Ice Tea,Gatorade(blue),hot tea,Other beverages can do.
Alcoholic drink?:: Don't Drink sorry
Animal?:: lions, other big-cats, sea turtles, pandas, huskies... Fascinating creatures, all of 'em.
Holiday?:: I enjoy something of every holiday I don't have a favorite.
Season?:: All of em' rock in their own special way, but it's gotta be Summer for the luxurious long break.
Sport?:: (soon to do)Waatersports- scuba diving, kayaking, canoeing, white-water rafting.(DO) Rollerblading, if that counts. , field hockey, tennis,biking,hiking,football, swimming etc. I would rather play sports than watch 'em.
Place to shop?:: Hollister,Express, N anywhere that has good polo shirts =]
Clothing brand?:: i have been a lot whole of Hollister lol
Scent?:: of Summer. Or rain. Or freshly-baked bread. Ooooo A colognes
Restaurant?:: Good food, good location, good ambience. (To be specific.)
Fruit?:: All.I enjoy every fruit
Vegetable?:: Brocolli
Fast food restaurant?:: Im starting to despise all fast food rest.
Pizza topping?:: only ham.
Ice cream flavor?:: Vanilla n strawberry(add gummy bears)
Magazine?:: dont have one
City?:: I can't quite say which one is my favorite, i am yet to discover my favorite
Color?:: Aqua
Number?:: Is that important?
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: See five questions up.
Pepsi or coke?:: Difference? Not warm, or flat. For some reason though I tend to end up drinking Coke.
Hot or cold?:: Both, neither, in the middle - depends. I'd rather be too cold than too hot
Black or white?:: Both.
Dog or cat?:: Dogs
French toast or pans?:: french toast
French fries or onion rings?:: If soggy and cold, neither.
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Burgers. preferable Ruby's
Pepperoni or sausage?:: who cares!
Britney or Christina?:: lmao,neither
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Next.
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Can I have some decent questions, please?
Canada or Mexico?:: Only been to Mexico out of the two. Would want to intrude upon Canada someday though.
Hug or kiss?:: Both, at the same time please.
Movies or TV?:: Films. (But what about films they show on TV?)
Truth or dare?:: The truth shall set you free..
Do you...
Shower daily?:: Yes.. unless that's physically impossible, for instance the water is not working haha
Sing in the shower?:: sure why not, i also dance
Like to sing?:: See above.
Like to dance?:: do i? its when i have a blast.
Smoke?:: Nope
Drink?:: Yes, but if you're talking anything ethanol-ic, than no
Cuss?:: I try not to..when im angry
Talk to yourself?:: Yes carlos
Believe in yourself?:: Of course.
Play an instrument?::noooooo
Go to school?:: Yes
Go to college?:: yes
Have a job?:: yes not the best
Like your job?:: It gives me some financial independence, so I suppose it doesn't matter whether I like it or not..
Want to get married?:: Someday, yes. I don't think it's so much of 'do I want to', than 'will I meet someone..'
Want to have kids?:: When the time is right, definitely.
Get along with your parents?:: Definitely, more with my mom.
Get along with your siblings?::I try to
Drive?:: Could we not.
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yes.
Think you're funny?:: Been told so. I think I sometimes act/look funny, if that counts.
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: Can you say waste of paper?
Gone garbage can tipping?:: Disfiguring the environment is NOT cool, kids.
Siblings names?:: Rosie
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: Very.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?:: At least twice.
Collect anything?:: I wanna start, want it turn it into a hobby
Ever been in love?::guilty
In love right now?:: no
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: black basketball shorts
How does your hair look?:: fairly messy to be honest
Ever had your heartbroken?:: guilty
Ever broken the law?:: Yes. (Who hasn't?)
Been arrested?:: No. And I would hope never to be.
Been out of the country?:: YES
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: nope sorry every one
When was the last time you got drunk?:: haha
Do you do drugs?:: nope
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: on life every day
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: Depends on what I'm doing, no? If I'm thinking, or sleeping; off. If operating heavy machinery.. well..
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: hrm nope
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: indeed
Ever had a bloody nose?::once or twice
Have you ever caught a fish?:: nope
What was the last thing you ate?:: Let's see a mixture of things. Leftover pizza ha, a jelly sandwish n coffee haha
What time do you go to bed?:: Whenever I feel tired. I have no routine, and getting to sleep is haaard much of the time.
Do you like to give or receive?:: Give.
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Obsessions = bad. But I do have them (ssh.)
Do you live alone?:: Nope.
Do you own a blender?:: Blenders come in handy
Do you like the snow?:: I could never have enough
Ever been up a mountain?:: Yes.
Ever been rootin'?:: Er.. say what now?
Do you like surprises?:: Depends if they're bad or good ones.
Something New,The Constant Gardener
God my savior!