Travel (duh), the rest is way way boring and a little obscure due to my nerdy nannaness and we've only just met so I'll keep it to myself... ok knitting, astrophysics (I like to break a mental sweat), keeping tidy in the gym and being a good teacher. A little pole dancing never hurt anyone either... oh except for that Celeste girl a few months ago hahahahaha!
I'd like to meet:
Anyone who's town I will be visiting in my travels, Bill Bryson and lovers of his books, Benicio Del Toro and pretty much anyone who likes a chat to give my housemates a break from my constant rambling. Oh and anyone from my wonderful Year 10 Science class at St Francis College in 2005 who still remembers that statement of atomic theory, the bet is still on.
Love everything. I thought I hated House until I spent a summer terrorising Broadbeach with Steph (stupid Melbas!), then I thought I hated cruisey stuff like Jack Johnson and Something for Kate.. oh wait, I still hate that Zzzzz.
The Princess Bride. That's all you ever need know.
We used to adore Dr Phil but he has sold out massively. I love all trashy shows. Yes I do. Oh and love Love LOVE Little Britian coz I never dun nuffin or nuffan!
I have been making my way through the complete works of a certain 16th century trash artist for a few years and love biographies, oh and books on astronomy and astrophysics dumbed down to my level. My brilliant cousin Laurence is the only person I know who has the ability to explain ridiculously complex concepts in a way anyone can understand e.g the expanding universe can be explained simply by "yeee oooooooooooooow". Trust me. Ask an adult kids, or anyone wearing a Monty Python tshirt.
J. Willard Gibbs (look it up). I have unbridled respect for people with unassuming brilliance and/or kindness, who don't tell you how hard they are working, they show you what they have done.