Horses, Livestock, meeting new and exciting people, getin touch with old friends, music is big with me, being adventurous, and I guess whatever happens-happens.Rate My Photo, Go Here
Friends, people with the same interest, you know all the good stuff. I would like to meet everybody if I could, but thats alot of damn people. Want to get in touch with old high school buddies, and college friends. My college years were great years, let me tell you!!! I enjoy meeting and talking with people from all walks of life. It doesn't matter who you are, what you look like, what race, sex, nationality, etc. I will talk to you if you want to talk to me. Take care everybody. Check out my Alf video below!!!!
Pretty much anything. Mostly country though, and my 80's.
Comedy, Horror, Drama, whatever sounds good.
Yeah I got one, whatever looks good at the time I suppose. Don't really have time for TV.
I can't read, just kidding. Mostly magazine articles, don't really have time to sit down and read a book, heck don't even have time to pick my nose. Just kidding!
My Grandma and my mom, they both survived cancer. Love them