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Massimo Savic

About Me

INTERVIEW WITH MASSIMO -- What's the difference between Croatian and Serbian pop music?A far as I know, serious a Serbian pop music establishment almost doesn't exist. In Serbia pop musicians belong to a middle class that is financially very poor. This is the reason why pop in Serbia doesn't survive as it does in Croatia. Croatia now is living slightly better than Serbia, the middle class and intellectuals I think.If you would choose any world famous musician that you would like to perform with, who that would be?Without any doubt David Bowie, because I think that he perfectly connects his life philosophy with the music that he does.How did you feel when you heard you have been nominated for an MTV Award?Brilliant. Being nominated for any MTV category is a big deal. I feel like I am Armstrong who stepped on the Moon; this is a small step for me, and big for Croatian music.What is your opinion about popular ethno-pop-dance music?As a musician I have to have some sort of knowledge about what is going on in music today. But if we are talking about musicians who want to do music with as less effort and investment as they can, and have the aim just to make a lots of money, then about them, I have a very bad opinion.Godinu dana nakon dva velika rasprodata beogradska koncerta za pamcenje u Domu sindikata, Massimo, u okviru turneje „Vještina“, ponovo dolazi u Beograd i donosi nove pesme i novi zvuk „Vještine 2“.Harizmaticni pevac održace koncert 9. novembra u Centru Sava, ali ovog puta uz proširen sastav orkestra i gostiju na sceni. Osim standardnog benda, tu ce biti i devojke koje pevaju pratece vokale na oba poslednja albuma kao i cetiri gudacice.Massimo Moj svijet - Dvorac - Oblak - Srca znak - Trnje ruze - Sestro i kraljice - Napola - Znam zassto te osjecam - Slobodan - Nauci me kako voljeti Album 2003 Publisher: Aquarius Records / PGP-RTSMyspace Backgrounds
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Member Since: 25/12/2006
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Record Label: hrk records
Type of Label: Indie

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