My Blog
Say bye
Say bye, dont know why. A determined prize. Yet they dont fit the size. For some a zero. Except your my hero. Today is your day so long to the fray. And paint me today and draw us another day.
Posted by on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 03:21:00 GMT
moon sun moon (private friend)
Rise and shine, new friend of mine. The next twenty-four are yours to endure. Wake with a cheshire grin and dismiss all the night screams still hidden within. Open those lids, and spead out those wing...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 19:30:00 GMT
Two + 1
Two + 1
Wrinkled brains, and dirty stains.Make the innocent to blame, and the crazy seem sane.Can't pay attention.Frantics prey when there's no affection.Hearts still remain. Will so strained not ours...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 03:15:00 GMT