[Tarpau_masTer] profile picture


huh....izzit ?? me also dun know

About Me

keep watchin at my picket fence...keep talking bu it make no sence..i washed my hand and come up clean failed to recognize my enemies within... welll..i'm vindicated,i was selfish i was wrong...i am right i swear im right i swear i knew all along..and i am flowned..but..but i am cleaning up so well..i am seeing in me now the thing u swore u saw urself...so turn up the coner off ur lip's part down and fell my finger tips trace the moment..fall forever defence is papaer thin just one touch and i be in to deep now to ever swim against the current....FREAK!!!IF U THINK U SO "HOT" BETTER SHOW ME WUT U GOT
*No nOOb's in here *

My Interests

duNNo dude..."makeLove" i think...kekek tipu jerk i'm interests in gaMe-aNime-cOmic's-Hentai-girLz-breakfast-Lunch-diNNer-sLeep 'n' ntah pelagi aku dah lupa lak...(main game yg paling aku suka ngan komputer coz aku rase consol ngan pc bende yg paling cool kat planet nih lain tarak..a.k.a girlz pun )


puLp ficTioN-Interview wiTh Vampire-Americans PIE 1,2,3 -spIder maN (boleh la...)-Van heLsingstar warsstar trekLord of The riNgpuLp ficTioNkill bill-resideNt eVil.... aku xtau nak letak ape nanti la...senang citer suma horror ngan fiksyen movie aku suka


Apprentice-axn-tech tv-sponge bob-mTv-channel 'V'-star wOrldsmaLL vilLe-apprentice-C.S.Imiami- pastuh citer kelaka,citer seram ,aNime...ntah pe lancau ni nak kena isi gak ke....




..."Bapak" aku la..sape lagi( Nanti aku letak pic.bapak aku..tido bawah ketiak tuh jgn jelous kekeke)

My Blog


new look new style all new ..hit me a comments ill hit u back
Posted by [Tarpau_masTer] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST