Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller profile picture

Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller

I am here for Friends

About Me

I wish that I could give you all the advice that I know. But I don't know anything. And even when you experience all that there is to experience, you still don't know anything. Life is complicated, but it can be simple. You make everything great or difficult for yourself. Nobody else but you. I've been learning to tell it like it is, but I still have some troubles there. I'm willing to help just about anyone in need. Depending on if they really need it. Save yourself and don't rely on other people too much. It can be dangerous. Listen to your heart and follow your instincts. Seriously. Its right all the time. Or 98% of the time. Writing through lyrics is the best way for me to express myself. I love talking, but beware, I can talk too much from time to time. Sometimes I'm scared to just let go and feel all that there is to feel, but I'm learning. Everythings changes all the time and so don't expect the people you know to stay the same. I'm a very in-depth person and I love talking about life, life issues, and anything that can really make you think beyond what you thought you could think. I'm a lacto-vegetarian and I love it. I have hopes and dreams and I have fears and nightmares. I hope that the best in life happens to you. I may not know you, but I still care about you. We all deserve happiness. I'm easy to get along with and I have an open opinion about everything although sometimes I don't understand some peoples views on life or religion, but I listen because its interesting. I want to get to know everyone because we all have a story to tell and I'd like to read you. I am a people person and yeah I can read people very well sometimes. I love the world and everyone in it. That does includes animals too! Have a great day/night. Love ya much, Kayla.k

My Interests

getting to know some people
writing songs and poems
photography.. ..

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet just about anyone. AIM-ask for it Msn messenger-just.the_way.i.am@hotmail.com just let me know who you are if you add me so that i wont have to guess.


My top 7 bands-Bayside,Secondhand Serenade, Silverstein, Hawthorne Heights, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and The Used. OTHER BANDS-New Found Glory, Thursday, PANIC! AT THE DISCO, Plain White T's, Billy Talent, Wolfshein, BRAND NEW, Sum 41, Dashboard Confessional, The Fray, Cute is What We Aim For, Superchick, Fly Leaf, Aiden, Hellogoodbye, Three Days Grace, A Kiss Could Be Deadly, The Kungfu Girls, THE RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS, Quietdrive, Saosin, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Breakin Benjamin, The Acade


Anything with Audrey Hepburn! She is my favorite actor of all time! Breakfast at Tiffanys The Breakfast Club Funny Girl Funny Face Jaws Jurassic Park Lilo and Stitch Moulan Rouge Memoirs of a Geisha Say Anything Save the Last Dance Dirty Dancing 1 & 2


Tv is annoying. Turn your tv off and use your mind. Go outside. Anything without tv. But i do like- Will & Grace, Sex & the City, Friends


I like Jackie Collins. All of her books are amazing. I also like Star Girl, Carolina Autumn, Candy, And Then There Were None, Of Mice and Men,The Orphaned Anythings, Life LessonsThis profile was tweaked at MyspaceGeeks.com


i dont really have any. but i hope that someone someday would consider me their herofor Heath,Kendra and Emilee:♥I LOVE YOU♥
Make your own KFC sign at peta2.com

My Blog

Understanding more than you'll know

I laugh because because you dont contemplate. You think that youre happy. Haha you think that you know. If you know, then why do you have such a hard time figuring it out? I havent been there but i kn...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Sat, 24 May 2008 08:39:00 PST

Myspace-when we're 80

Myspace is taking over the world. So it seems. But will it still be here when we're 80? If we have kids, are they going to create an account? Do you think that its possible that myspace can go on fore...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:38:00 PST

Close to it, but we have our own minds

I kind of knew what i was doing but i didnt really notice until now. I do a lot of things based on what my brother would do. I look up to him and we're close. I like having his input on everything, bu...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:38:00 PST

Did i get it all?

Sometimes when i listen to songs that used to get me down i feel like i want to get depressed again. As if im missing something. I was depressed for most of my life and maybe i feel like im missing a ...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:44:00 PST

Making me learn?

I want to learn all the lessons that i could learn, but would it be wrong to put myself in situations so that i come out learning something? To help myself understand all that i can. To understand why...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Sun, 11 May 2008 09:31:00 PST

Nobody is crazy. Its mental illness.

We all have some kind of mental something going on with ourselves and its ok if you dont agree with me but everyone should at some point in our lives go to a mental ward. They have people there who he...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Fri, 09 May 2008 12:58:00 PST

'Theres more to living than being alive' anberlin

Can a person really change from reading a book? I get inspired, but i havent fully changed. I dont want to just float in life anymore! I want to change for me! I want to get out and and make something...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:28:00 PST

Bang Bang Boom

Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:07:00 PST

Introductions and death

Theres a sister who died and i only met her once. On the day that i met her i wasnt in an upbeat mood. Its sad that her first amd only impression of me was when i was in a bad mood. What a lesson to l...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:22:00 PST

Things have surely changed

Over the past few months, maybe even before 2008 things have changed. I mean mentally and how I think. Depression just happens to be a state of mind. You make yourself depressed by how you think and h...
Posted by Kayla~dollar by dollar your soul gets smaller on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 05:56:00 PST