Waha Fire was born on the coals of a smoldering Groovebox. Steve was writing and jammin songs back in the high school days with different cats, trying to find his groove when he started janging with Konner in the basement. Konner hit the boomers for a while until they met Turkish Emre who was friends with Konner's younger brother Narcoleptic Al. Naturally, Konner jumped on the axe and Groovebox was born... High School friend Davis Willis (Vista Davis), whose own bands were on the fritz, filled in on the big axe when Gbox gave him an offer he couldn't refuse: a personal line of spring water he could sell out of the trunk of his '89 powder blue civic as well as .006% of all future Gbox revenue. He jumped on the Box with the pleasure.
After much groovy jamming the band was dealt a serous blow- they learned that the name 'Groovebox' was already taken by a group of jazzy old dudes from Florida. Many sleepless nights followed...
Meanwhile Vista Davis began pursuing his recording career. He was quickly overwhelmed with progressive rock and had to leave the band. At this point, the remaining threesome had settled upon the name Waha Fire for personal reasons- (each member had at some point been to a primal bonfire in the foothills of Waha Mountain: as they drank and jammed around the towering pillars of flame, something in the air of those rocking shindigs affected the minds of each member- the Fire was born. Now the search for Bassman Randy Savage (BRS).
One of the Pierces, acquaintances of Konner and Stevie, was and is currently dating a dude named Kevin who introduced Nick (Savage) to The Fire.... Currently the band is peddling their first full length album that was recorded under the superhuman guidance of Vista Davis Vista and touring the greater part of the tristate area. Waha Fire has undergone some final changes. For personal and artistic reasons the band is now a power trio consisting of Steve T. Turkish Emre, and Nick Savage. The music of the Fire is raw, primal, but not without a furious groove. Waha Fire will be recording its second full length album in the summer of 09. Rock on.
Request us on 101.9 RXP - (800) 423-1019 - especially on Mondays. Do it - help the Fire own the radio waves.